3. Boosts Energy

A delightful mix of coffee and Reishi mushroom, this drink offers balanced energy and wellness benefits. Made with premium coffee beans, Reishi extract, milk and sugar for an exquisite flavor profile. As this beverage lacks artificial additives it makes an ideal healthy alternative to traditional coffee beverages.

Reishi mushroom has long been revered as an aid to improve immunity, relieve stress and promote overall well-being. The extract used here provides maximum health benefits with each serving.

Reishi mushrooms in this formula are grown on certified organic farms that adhere to stringent standards, meaning they’re free of pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals often found in conventionally-grown mushrooms. Furthermore, premium coffee beans were chosen specifically for their high quality and delectable flavor – providing busy people with a natural energy boost without the jitters or crashes common to many other coffee drinks. Each convenient packet makes Reishi coffee accessible wherever life may lead them!