Ask anyone who has experienced both coffee and mountain dew, they will tell you that coffee is far healthier. This is due to less sugar being contained within coffee while its caffeine is slowly absorbed by your bloodstream – leaving its effects behind much faster than carbonated beverages do.

Mountain Dew was first produced and marketed by PepsiCo in 1940 as a citrus-flavored carbonated soft drink with high caffeine levels, quickly becoming one of the nation’s favorite energy beverages for athletes, students, freelancers, and 9-5 office workers alike. Today it continues to be produced and marketed under this same name. Mountain Dew remains popular today among consumers looking for quick energy boost and is popular with 9 to 5 office workers as well.

Mountain Dew contains 54 milligrams of caffeine per can, more than any cup of coffee can offer. There are various varieties of Mountain Dew available; original flavor has 290 calories per can while Diet Mountain Dew contains 5 and Mountain Dew Zero Sugar has none – each offering its own distinct taste preference among consumers.

Though some physicians may advise consuming soda in moderation is perfectly fine, it’s still important to be aware of its calories and how they affect your health. Soda contains added sugars which have been linked with weight gain as well as diabetes and other illnesses. Diet sodas may contain aspartame which has been linked to food cravings; some studies even indicate it may damage part of your brain that tells you when to stop eating!

Be mindful that some types of coffee may contain high sodium levels; read labels carefully when purchasing beverages from Starbucks or other restaurants.

Bottom line, coffee is generally healthier than Mountain Dew; however, this depends on an individual’s caffeine needs and preference. If you require quick energy boosts during a workout session or need an instant energy boost then Mountain Dew might be right for you – however consume both beverages moderately for best results! If concerned about their impact on teeth then low calorie options such as Diet Mountain Dew or Zero Sugar might be more suitable. Either way enjoy both drinks in a glass with straw for optimal enjoyment – they will both keep you satisfied while remaining healthier! Thank you so much for reading! Thanks so much for reading!