Conflicting news articles regarding is coffee healthy may leave you bewildered, or even skeptical, of its health benefits. But in truth, coffee does more than give us an extra kick in the morning and keep us alert throughout the day; it offers other advantages as well.

Regular coffee drinking, particularly the variety with reduced amounts of sugar and cream, has the power to promote long-term wellness. Not only can it boost energy levels and focus attention, but coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants; molecules which fight free radicals that lead to chronic disease. Blueberries and red wine are often recommended as high sources of these intrepid molecules – however coffee actually contains even more of them than either option!

Coffee may help lower your risk for Alzheimer’s disease by acting as a mild stimulant to keep you alert and active, though caffeine cannot treat or cure Alzheimer’s.

One remarkable benefit of drinking coffee on a daily basis is improving liver function. A recent study demonstrated that those who drink three or more cups per day had lower risks of developing cirrhosis (a condition that leads to liver failure due to excessive alcohol intake).

Studies show that drinking coffee regularly can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by decreasing insulin resistance – an essential component in heart disease and obesity. Furthermore, people who consume two or three cups per day show significantly decreased chances of endometrial cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

There are numerous health advantages of drinking coffee regularly, but moderation is key; any more than four eight-ounce cups in one day could lead to insomnia and anxiety.

But if you are still determined to drink coffee, be sure to select it wisely. There are numerous inexpensive brands of coffee with high levels of antioxidants such as Dunkin’ Donuts Original Blend, McCafe Premium Decaf Medium Roast and Eight O’Clock Colombian Medium Roast; or alternatively try French press coffee made at home or traditional cups from cafes; just don’t add too much sugar or cream as this can counteract its beneficial properties.