
Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is one of the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive substances. As a central nervous system stimulant, caffeine improves reaction time, alertness and memory while simultaneously improving short-term memory retention. Naturally occurring caffeine is found in seeds of Coffea plants such as coffee beans; cocoa beans and certain tea varieties also contain it. Caffeine acts by blocking inhibitory neurotransmitter Adenosine; this allows stimulation of Acetylcholine production, norepinephrine production as well as increased use of Dopamine. Additionally it stimulates adrenal glands into producing adrenaline, increasing heart rate as well as blood flow to muscles and brain areas.

Although caffeine can be an excellent study nootropic, you must only consume it in moderation in order to prevent negative side effects such as headaches and an upset stomach. Most students typically take two cups of brewed coffee a day in moderation; however, some individuals may tolerate higher dosages; in order to determine your safe limit consult your healthcare provider.


L-theanine is an amino acid found naturally in green tea that boosts alpha and theta brain waves for alert relaxation, increasing learning and memory retention by increasing GABA activity in the brain, as well as decreasing stress and improving sleep quality. L-theanine may be particularly helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure; studies have demonstrated how 200 mg of L-theanine significantly enhanced attention and reaction time in college students under stress.

Although further research is still required, current data are encouraging. According to one study, pairing L-theanine and caffeine helped participants perform more accurate responses on mental tasks while also improving mood – an integral component in combatting depression and anxiety as well as decreasing blood pressure spikes after stressful tests.

L-theanine offers numerous advantages over caffeine. It doesn’t produce the same stimulating effects; in fact, it counteracts some of its negative side effects such as jitters and nervousness while also helping lower blood pressure and decreasing risk for heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, L-theanine helps facilitate water-soluble B vitamins needed for neurotransmitter synthesis and myelin production.

Find l-theanine in most green tea varieties, particularly those harvested early in the spring and grown under shade conditions. Additionally, matcha is a Japanese powdered green tea that boasts unique umami notes with higher concentrations of l-theanine than other tea varieties.

An ideal nootropic coffee stack consists of a blend of caffeine and L-Theanine. Aside from these elements, a balanced B-Complex should also be present along with L-Tyrosine for help converting norepinephrine and dopamine. Performance Lab Caffeine 2’s combination of natural caffeine from Robusta seeds at 50 mg, L-Theanine 100 mg and L-Tyrosine 250 mg makes for the ideal nootropic stack; providing alert clean energy without jitters while helping concentration and staying focused; making this stack an excellent nootropic for those sensitive to stimulants or stimulant medications alike!


GABA, or Gamma Aminobutyric Acid, is the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter that keeps glutamate, the excitatory signaling molecule, from overwhelming it. Furthermore, GABA plays an essential role in immune regulation which has led to its use for managing diseases like MS, Type 1 Diabetes, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. FocusAid includes GABA alongside Alpha GPC for memory formation and learning purposes as well as Acetyl L Carnitine and Rhodiola rosea to form what has come to be known as “Stack” among an expanding community that experiments with various compounds to enhance cognitive functioning.