Iced coffee can be an irresistibly refreshing treat, but all those sugary syrups and milks can add up quickly in terms of calories. Try these tips for making an iced coffee more health-oriented this summer.

1. Consider switching to nonfat milk Its Many coffee shops automatically serve up 2% or whole milk as their default beverage choice, yet simply asking for some nonfat milk can significantly cut back on calories per drink and save 50. Furthermore, asking for no sugar, or less sugar in your drink, is another effective way of lowering its glycemic load and saving you 50 per drink!

2. Choose plant-based milk

Switch out regular creamer for plant-based milks like soy, almond or oat milk in your iced beverages to cut calories significantly and satisfy nutritional goals more effectively. Just be sure to read nutrition labels closely when making decisions as some types may contain added sugars that might affect this choice.

3. Give Cold Brew Coffee A Try

Cold brew coffee is a highly concentrated version of coffee created by steeping ground beans in cold water for 12-24 hours to produce a less acidic and smoother flavor, as well as being more caffeine-packed than traditional iced coffee and can help those with sensitive stomachs cope better with this form.

4. Swap Regular Ice Cubes for Coffee Ice Cubes

Traditional ice cubes dilute your beverage over time as they melt. But replacing them with coffee ice cubes ensures extra strength while still keeping drinks cold and refreshing – they’re easy to make at home by pouring hot coffee into an ice cube tray, freezing, then defrosting it when solidified.

5. Avoid Toppings

Iced coffee calories come largely from its add-ons; so to keep calories down you should limit their use as much as possible. Whipping cream alone can add up to 230 per tall Starbucks Iced Caffe Mocha drink; cutting this extra step out altogether could almost halve that total!

6. Utilize a Straw

You may already know, but drinking coffee through a straw is one way to help avoid tooth decay as acids in your mouth are more likely to wear away or stain your teeth when they pass directly over them. Plus, using one can keep the temperature of your beverage in check all year long for maximum enjoyment!

7. Brew Your Own Healthy Iced Coffee

The easiest and healthiest way to create an iced coffee that is entirely devoid of added sugars and unhealthy fats is brewing at home using a coffee grinder with coarsely ground beans in 1:1 ratio with water; that way you’ll create delicious coffee without all of its extra components.