Coffee is one of the world’s favorite beverages, yet cutting back your caffeine consumption for health reasons or as part of an effective detox is often difficult. However, there are a range of healthier, lower-caffeine and caffeine-free alternatives that provide you with a morning boost without leaving you with jitters or stomach upset.

Many of these options contain powerful antioxidants, which help combat age-related diseases and health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Plus, they may support weight management while simultaneously lowering blood pressure.

Caffeine consumption should not become a daily habit as too much caffeine consumption may increase stress hormone levels, lead to insomnia and disrupt sleep patterns, as well as disrupt your digestion system. Furthermore, coffee plants contribute significantly to deforestation as well as complex supply chains that are not sustainable; therefore it might be wiser to find healthier options for your daily morning ritual.

That’s why we gathered eleven delicious alternatives to coffee with both flavor and health benefits in mind, such as matcha or yerba mate tea, that will keep you awake while keeping hydrated without any unwanted side effects.

Yerba Mate is one of the world’s most beloved herbal teas, boasting less than half the caffeine found in coffee (but more than green or black tea) while providing essential B vitamins, antioxidants, manganese and potassium benefits.

Turmeric latte, commonly referred to as golden milk, is a soothing beverage made of turmeric combined with milk (or plant-based milk) and various spices such as ginger, cinnamon and black pepper. This beverage has long been used in traditional medicine as an aid in therapy and detoxification.

Cacao is an alternative to coffee that boasts flavonoids thought to reduce inflammation and boost cardiovascular health, magnesium for insomnia relief, muscle cramp relief and iron and protein richness.

Matcha tea, traditionally consumed in Japan for centuries, is an excellent way to reduce caffeine intake while increasing antioxidants and improving cognitive performance. Packed full of amino acids – building blocks of proteins – this drink also boasts calcium and magnesium benefits that may assist with insomnia or depression.