Finding an acceptable coffee creamer when on a low carb diet can be challenging. Store-bought products typically contain added sugars and ingredients that don’t meet your dietary requirements, while it’s simple to create your own healthy creamer at home using natural sweeteners that can easily be customized according to individual taste preferences and add-ins. This recipe offers endless possibilities!

Make creamy vanilla creamer easily at home using heavy cream and milk combined in a pot over medium heat, stir in sweetener of choice (I suggest maple syrup!), then fold in vanilla extract. Remove from the heat when done and serve immediately or chill and store in your fridge until needed – up to one week in there, but even longer if frozen into cube trays for later.

This recipe is very flexible; feel free to experiment with adding different flavored extracts or spices such as cinnamon. Toast nuts like almonds or walnuts for an added source of protein and healthy fats. Or use it as an easy dairy free coffee creamer by swapping out heavy cream with nondairy alternatives!

If you’re in search of a keto creamer, this recipe can be easily customized by stirring in one tablespoon of MCT or coconut oil to provide healthy medium-chain triglycerides to keep you fueled throughout your day and help support weight loss.

Another fantastic thing about this healthy vanilla coffee creamer recipe is its flexibility: you can prepare and freeze it ahead for easy morning access! Simply reheat in the microwave when ready and enjoy your delicious cup of joe!

Add an extra indulgent twist to this coffee creamer recipe by stirring in some melted chocolate or grass-fed butter for extra protein and healthy fats, creating a caramelized taste perfect for hot chocolate drinks.

Make a more indulgent mocha creamer by mixing together unsweetened cocoa powder and chocolate liquid stevia/monk fruit sweetener in equal parts, or you could add pumpkin spice for an irresistibly tasty homemade latte! If you want to go the whole keto route, this creamer recipe can also be used as a delicious bulletproof coffee creamer and is suitable for other keto-friendly beverages as well.