Mushroom tea has grown increasingly popular as both a food trend and healing beverage of choice, thanks to the infusion process that releases antioxidants, amino acids and natural chemicals that may reduce inflammation, alleviate stress, support heart health and immunity functions, aid the digestive tract/liver function and even boost cognitive performance.

Mushroom tea can be enjoyed hot or cold and makes an ideal morning pick-me-up or relaxing afternoon beverage. Mushroom tea can also be combined with other ingredients for additional flavor and therapeutic benefits; such as adding Reishi & Cordyceps extract into a Berry Brain Tea blend that creates an energy boost perfect for productive work mornings; other popular varieties are Chaga Tea, Lion’s Mane Teas and Adaptogen Teas.

To prepare a cup of mushroom tea, one simply needs to combine dried or fresh fungus with hot water, and allow it to steep for an appropriate period depending on its desired effects and type. As a result, an invigorating and delicious beverage results that can increase energy levels, strengthen immunity levels, improve mental clarity and mood as well as provide nourishment in terms of energy boost, immunity booster or mood enhancer – providing energy, immunity boosts or mood enhancing beverages to meet specific goals and purposes.

Tea made with mushrooms can be stored for three months in the refrigerator, although for optimal results it should be consumed within two weeks of being made. To protect it from potential spoilage and ensure freshness, store in a sealed container or pouch without air exposure.

Some individuals enjoy brewing tea in bulk for longer-term storage in their freezer, using a vacuum sealer to preserve dry conditions that protect it from moisture, odors and any potential contaminants.

Tinctures are another excellent way to enjoy mushroom tea. This delicious beverage can be created using high-grade extract that has been lab tested and verified as pure, and comes in various strengths that range from mild to highly potency. When added to liquid bases such as distilled or filtered water or juiced fruit juice, the drink can then be enjoyed whenever desired.

Assuming there are no dietary restrictions, mushroom tea has no real restrictions when and how it should be consumed. It is an ideal beverage for anyone interested in experiencing the numerous health benefits these nutrient-rich plants can provide, including those with sensitive digestive systems. Please be aware that its effects may differ between individuals; thus newcomers are advised to start slowly while sipping in a comfortable, isolated location.