Start your day right by adding coffee or tea to your morning routine to increase energy and focus. Both beverages offer health benefits depending on which one is chosen and your response to caffeine; both drinks should generally be enjoyed in moderation according to registered dietitian Kelly Bollig, RD from Banner health care provider. Coffee provides specific advantages in liver health and athletic performance, while tea helps lower blood pressure and depression risk while cutting calorie consumption with no-sugar creamers and sweeteners (she advises limiting them or at least cutting back), she advises.

Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it increases urinary output and may lead to dehydration if taken in excess. Tea on the other hand is a hydrating beverage which keeps you hydrated throughout your day while providing antioxidant benefits – though excessive consumption could potentially cause jitters according to research published in “Clinical Nutrition.”

Limit your intake of both coffee and tea as much as possible to help ensure a restful night’s rest. Both drinks contain over 200 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce serving; tea contains less. If you can’t give up either completely, try switching it up: having coffee in the morning with tea at night for optimal sleep quality. Doing this will reduce how much caffeine enters your system overnight – helping you fall asleep easier at night for restful slumber.