Coffee is an integral part of morning routine for many, but have you ever considered that drinking it on an empty stomach might not be wise? Recently, TikTok app has become increasingly populated with questions regarding its safety when consumed on an empty stomach. Some believe the bitterness of coffee causes more gastric acid production by the body leading to heartburn and indigestion; this theory, however, lacks scientific backing. Reem Kafa from Reem Kafa General Practice said “There is misinformation being spread via social media platforms; one major misconception being spread on TikTok that coffee damages stomach lining directly – something which has never been shown or proven.”

As well as stimulating acid production, coffee on an empty stomach also raises blood sugar levels and can contribute to insulin imbalance among those with diabetes or metabolic conditions, leading to jitters, anxiety and stomach discomfort for some individuals.

Another potential risk associated with drinking coffee is its acid content, which could irritate the stomach lining if you already suffer from gastric ulcers, acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). For optimal digestion it’s advised to consume your beverage along with food.

Coffee’s caffeine can stimulate adrenal glands, leading to elevated cortisol and blood sugar levels, leading to an increase in cortisol and anxiety for some, causing jitters and stomach ache in some individuals. One way to combat this effect and alleviate potential discomfort would be eating something beforehand like snacks or breakfast – this will prevent such discomfort occurring while drinking coffee.

Coffee’s acidity may even aggravate Barrett’s Oesophagus, an unpleasant condition whereby cells lining your stomach slowly turn into hard, stomach-like tissue over time. Unfortunately, however, this condition is usually linked with chronic acid reflux and smoking.

Most adults can answer yes when asked whether it is healthy to drink coffee on an empty stomach: this practice won’t pose any harm and can provide many advantages such as increased metabolism, reduced risk of diabetes and improved cognitive function.

If you have a sensitive stomach, it is recommended that the first cup of the day should be consumed after breakfast and midmorning. Furthermore, if coffee is the primary source of energy during your daytime tasks, limit yourself to no more than three cups a day and consume each with some form of food if possible; alternatively opt for decaffeinated options or switch over to tea for morning joe needs instead.