Morel mushrooms offer numerous health and nutritional advantages that often go overlooked. Packed full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and amino acids – morels have something special in store!

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of probiotics for digestive health and protection from various chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s, Type 1 and 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Morels have long been recognized for their immune-stimulant and gut protective effects due to their rich selection of polysaccharides, phenolics, tocopherols and ergosterols.


Morel mushrooms are nutritional powerhouses, boasting vitamins like Vitamin D and B-complex as well as minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Plus, they’re low-cal and packed with dietary fibre – not bad considering fungi can’t perform photosynthesis themselves so must scavenge for organic matter from their environment and utilize enzymes to extract complex organic molecules with wide-ranging functions – including producing polyphenolic compounds with strong antioxidant capabilities (30).

Morel mushroom tea‘s immune-enhancing properties come from its high content of beta-glucans (a type of polysaccharide), which have been shown to boost adaptive immunity (33). Furthermore, morel mushroom tea‘s anti-inflammatory activities come from its ability to scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidative stress (34)

Morel mushroom is not only known to increase immunity; it also contains 40% RDI of zinc per 100 grams, making it essential for cell growth and repair, nerve function, immune system support and reproductive health (35) (36). Furthermore, bioactive components found within morel mushroom such as polysaccharides, phenolics, tocopherols and ergosterols act as potent antioxidants and may help slow aging process while encouraging skin regeneration while keeping normal blood pressure levels and lowering triglycerides/cholesterol (37).

Mushrooms possess a diverse set of metabolic reactions and their nutrient profile is responsible for many sensory attributes like flavor, aroma and texture. As a culinary food they are highly prized due to their distinct combination of earthiness, nuttiness and fruity notes as well as offering health benefits such as immunity support, blood sugar regulation and anti-cancer effects.

Yunnan Province in Southwest China provides our morel mushroom tea with its ingredients, grown from fungi. Bordered by Tibet to its northwest and Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar to its southeast; Yunnan boasts an ideal climate and long growing seasons suitable for mushroom cultivation with mountainous terrain providing ample sunlight that allows our morel mushrooms to flourish into premium quality morel varieties.

Vitamin D

Morel mushroom is packed with health-promoting antioxidants, essential minerals and vitamins, with an outstanding concentration of ergocalciferol (form of Vitamin D2) offering 34% of your recommended daily vitamin D intake – making them one of the top performing mushrooms! Morels provide essential calcium metabolism support while simultaneously supporting immune system health regulation.

Morels contain an impressive polysaccharide immune-system stimulating property known as galactomannan that activates macrophages and increases adaptive immunity, inhibits lipid peroxidation, prevent cancer cell growth and is anti-inflammatory for gut health. They’re rich in potassium, copper and Vitamin D – making them great for heart health! Plus! Morels promote gut health!

Mushrooms are an excellent source of iron, providing one serving with 3 milligrams. Iron is essential for numerous bodily processes including red blood cell production, nerve transmission and metabolic pathways in cells.

Morel mushroom tea provides another important mineral: zinc. Zinc plays an integral role in immune function, tissue growth and bone metabolism – an average cup of morel mushroom tea contains nearly 40% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) for zinc!

Zinc is vital for the proper absorption of other essential nutrients such as copper and iron. Furthermore, it serves as an antioxidant that protects cells against oxidative stress while potentially decreasing cardiovascular disease risk as well as cancer risks.

Morel mushrooms contain numerous B-complex vitamins, such as Niacin (14% of your RDA), Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid and Pyridoxine – these all contribute towards substrate metabolism in your body by providing essential co-factors.

Morel mushrooms are an excellent source of copper, an essential mineral for iron and liver health. Copper helps prevent oxidative damage to liver tissue as well as alcohol-induced liver toxicity; furthermore it supports connective tissue formation, blood clotting and osteoporosis prevention while increasing immunity, cardiovascular wellness and reducing diabetes risks.

Vitamin B6

Morel mushroom extract contains Vitamin B6 which plays a crucial role in metabolic function, helping convert amino acids to proteins and carbohydrates, regulate blood sugar levels, promote cell health and support healthy cell function. Furthermore, Vitamin B6 reduces cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure and boosts energy production while simultaneously improving energy production.

Morel mushrooms contain essential cardiovascular system nutrients like selenium, potassium and copper that aid blood vessel flexibility and circulation as well as prevent the oxidization of LDL cholesterol. All three nutrients play a crucial role in keeping heart function running efficiently – keeping blood vessels flexible while improving circulation and avoiding LDL oxidation.

Mushrooms contain polysaccharide compounds known as galactomannans which stimulate the immune system. By increasing macrophage activity and strengthening adaptive immunity, mushrooms help promote increased macrophage activity and strengthen adaptive immunity systems. Furthermore, mushrooms also work to inhibit lipid peroxidation which causes inflammation; it has even been found that this property accounts for some medicinal mushroom’s anti-inflammatory effects including Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Maitake mushrooms.

Mushrooms must be thoroughly cooked or dried prior to being eaten for safety, or they could contain poisonous compounds, including gyromitrin which causes stomach upset and other unpleasant symptoms. Gyromitrin can be removed through boiling, drying or even by submerging mushrooms in cold salt water for several minutes prior to boiling or drying them.

Morel mushrooms are an excellent natural source of vitamin D, which is vital for maintaining both immunity and bone and tooth health. Studies indicate that insufficient Vitamin D intake can contribute to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Mushrooms are low-cal foods packed with fiber, antioxidants and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and copper – plus their health benefits make them a low-calorie choice as a nourishing snack food!

Consuming mushrooms on a regular basis may help protect against depression and anxiety, thanks to magnesium’s role in maintaining proper nerve function, relaxing muscle relaxation and lowering blood pressure as well as protecting against heart disease. Mushrooms provide ample source of magnesium.

To gain these advantages, it is recommended to consume various varieties of mushrooms such as morels, shiitake, reishi and oyster mushrooms. Furthermore, you can create mushroom tea using these ingredients.


The morel mushroom is an exquisite species of fungus found widely across North America and Europe. Harvestable each spring, gourmet chefs often consider this mushroom delectable. Aside from being delicious, morels offer many health benefits including helping reduce stress and depression levels, improving blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol and offering anti-inflammatory benefits – they are truly an ancient superfood!

Morel mushrooms contain magnesium, an essential mineral for maintaining healthy bones, muscles and nerves. Magnesium also plays an essential role in energy formation as it’s involved in multiple enzyme reactions in your body and plays an essential part in transmitting electrical impulses while regulating blood pressure. Morel mushroom nutrition facts also include vitamins D and copper and they’re an excellent source of potassium and Vitamin B6 – not forgetting being high in antioxidants to protect cells and organs against potential oxidative damage!

Morels are an excellent source of antioxidants and are also high in other essential vitamins and minerals; just 100 grams of raw morels provide 69% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of copper, 26% iron, 14% phosphorus and 18% zinc!

Mushrooms are packed with Vitamin D, an essential nutrient for bone health and immune support. Furthermore, mushrooms contain potassium as well as B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid and Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine).

Morels are an excellent source of niacin, an essential nutrient needed for cell metabolism and production of red blood cells and neurotransmission. Furthermore, this essential mineral supports energy and metabolism and has even been shown to lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Morels have been found to strengthen internal body defences and can assist in combatting drug toxicity, thus protecting liver damage. Morels should therefore be included as part of any healthy diet plan.