Coffee may or may not be good for your health depending on how much you consume each day, but research shows that in moderation this popular beverage could likely provide numerous health benefits. Caffeine in coffee appears to bind with receptors in your brain that reduce tiredness while increasing energy levels; also caffeine appears to stimulate several feel-good hormones within the body and boost mood boosting benefits. Furthermore, studies suggest moderate coffee intake could potentially lower risks associated with various diseases as well as improve heart health.

Researchers discovered that those who consumed three or more cups of coffee daily had a 24 percent lower risk of death compared to those who didn’t consume caffeinated beverages, likely owing to its antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, believed to prevent or hinder cancer cell formation and neutralize harmful free radicals within their bodies.

Coffee may enhance the body’s ability to burn fat by stimulating brown fat cells, and as such can aid weight loss and athletic performance. Furthermore, studies indicate that its phenols may reduce inflammation and shield against liver disease.

Although coffee has many health advantages, some individuals remain wary of its consumption due to potential side effects like anxiety and restlessness. Luckily, these symptoms can usually be overcome with proper sleeping habits and by limiting consumption to two or three cups per day.

Coffee offers many health-promoting nutrients beyond caffeine, such as potassium, magnesium, niacin and fiber. Harvard Health Publishing reports that these minerals and nutrients help promote healthy blood sugar levels, metabolism and blood vessel function.

Studies have also linked coffee consumption with reduced depression rates, thanks to caffeine stimulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine that in turn helps make us more alert and attentive; over time this chemical will combat depression while improving mood, mental health and overall well-being.

Though coffee may be healthy to consume, be wary of drinks with added sugars like regular soda, flavored tea and fruit juice cocktails. When purchasing bottled water, look for unsweetened varieties labeled spring, natural or mineral water and unsweetened varieties in unsweetened varieties such as spring water. When selecting juice drinks and cocktails as options to consume instead, unsweetened orange or cranberry juice is better as an unsweetened alternative.