As more states legalise psychedelic mushrooms, mushroom tea has become an easy and accessible way for users to experience their mind-altering effects of psilocybin without risk. While most people associate mushroom teas with magic mushrooms and their mind-altering abilities, there’s actually an entire world of mushrooms out there offering medicinal benefits, like focus enhancement, anxiety reduction and cognitive enhancement.

There are various methods of consuming psilocybin mushrooms, but tea is one of the most enjoyable and convenient ways. There are powdered mushroom teas you can add directly to hot water to consume the actual mushrooms themselves directly, while others require steeping like traditional herbal or black teas. Some mushroom tea varieties even feature adaptogens as an additional component – natural compounds which help relieve stress while supporting overall balance within your body.

Making mushroom tea requires just a few simple steps. First, ground dried mushrooms into a fine powder using either a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder in order to increase surface area for absorption of their psychedelic compounds. Next, pour boiling water onto them in a pot before pouring tea of choice over them for 15 minutes on low heat before taking out of heat and letting cool before straining using either sieves or coffee filters to remove any remaining mushroom pieces and enjoy your tea!

On top of herbal and black teas, mushroom teas offer additional benefits that include brain-boosting lion’s mane mushrooms. This type of mushroom tea has become increasingly popular across the UK; Holland & Barrett and John Lewis retailers such as providing products which promise everything from focus and motivation to reduced anxiety levels.

No matter which kind of mushroom tea you create, it is critical that you follow all instructions exactly to achieve optimal results. For instance, the correct amount of liquid should be used so as not to end up with too little or too much psilocybin in your system. In addition, consume the tea only in safe environments and take time to prepare yourself for any possible trip-inducing effects which might occur.