As temperatures heat up around the world, coffee lovers worldwide have turned to iced black coffee as a refreshing and invigorating beverage to beat the heat. A recent study, however, suggests that adding milk and sugar could negate its health benefits; fortunately, there are several ways of creating delicious yet healthful iced black coffee beverages without using unhealthy additives.

An iced black coffee made from dark roast beans, filtered water and ice contains minimal calories and sodium content, along with numerous essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and niacin. Plus it boasts antioxidants which may reduce risk for heart disease while helping you lose weight!

However, this drink becomes far less healthful when packed with whipped cream, sugar and flavored syrups. According to Women’sHealth, an iced black coffee with these additions contains double the calories and more than three times as much sodium than an unmodified cup. Furthermore, their high amount of sugar content could significantly raise blood sugar levels leading to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular issues – potentially leading to health issues including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Making your own iced black coffee is the ideal way to ensure it contains as many beneficial antioxidants and nutrients as possible, with homemade brewing offering the greatest health benefits. Simply combine coarsely ground coffee with cold water in a pitcher or jar before refrigerating for several days or weeks for best results. This method ensures a beverage packed full of beneficial antioxidants.

Alternately, you can make your own iced black coffee at home by pouring freshly-brewed hot coffee over a large quantity of ice. This method will still preserve many beneficial antioxidants while adding some additional calories from ice.

If you prefer something with sweeter and creamier notes in your iced black coffee, add milk. Dairy will provide familiar creamy notes; while non-dairy options such as almond, soy, and coconut may add different yet distinctive tastes that elevate its taste profile.

Your choice of coffee beans can also have an effect on how your iced black coffee tastes, with different regions producing varieties with distinct flavour profiles – so experiment with various varieties until you find one that best meets your palate!

Black iced coffee is an ideal addition to an intermittent fasting diet, as its low calorie count won’t disrupt the body’s natural fasting process. Although sugar and fat-laden additives should be avoided during an intermittent fast, a moderate amount of black iced coffee may provide energy during fasting sessions – just consult your physician first before taking any action based on caffeinated beverages, particularly if any medical conditions exist.