No matter their health concerns or weight loss goals, many people strive to reduce refined sugar in their diet. One place to begin this effort is with their morning coffee – sugar has long been linked with weight gain, heart disease and blood sugar fluctuations that we all wish we could avoid. Luckily there are healthier alternatives that are readily available to sweeten your morning cup o’ joe.

Some of the more popular natural sweeteners include agave syrup, coconut sugar, and monk fruit extract – natural products which provide sweetness without the negative health consequences associated with refined sugar. Before incorporating any new product into your daily routine it’s essential that you establish how it affects you first.

When adding sweetness to your coffee, choose natural and low-cal options such as honey. A teaspoon of granulated sugar adds 16 calories while two tablespoons equal 101. Or try unsweetened almond milk which has only five fat-free calories per serving and also adds flavor!

Stevia extract can also be an ideal choice, being free from calories but still offering delicious natural sweetness in their morning cup of joe. Available in different strengths, finding your ideal blend can take some trial-and-error; but once found it can add an enjoyable, naturally sweet touch that you won’t find elsewhere!

Raw honey is a sweetening option packed with natural antioxidants and enzymes that support digestive health. It pairs beautifully with coffees from all different roasters and boasts a lower glycemic index than sugar, helping keep energy levels stable throughout the day. Just be sure to opt for raw honey; its minimal processing helps preserve more beneficial compounds than conventional granulated sugar does.

Other solutions include yacon syrup, which is a plant-based sweetener offering mild sweetness with notes of caramel and molasses. Furthermore, this treat also boasts FOS (Fructooligosaccharides), which cannot be digested and thus won’t impact blood sugar levels negatively.

Maple syrup is another great way to enhance cold brew coffee. With its natural sweetening capabilities and amazing dissolution qualities, using just a small amount will bring out its full flavor in both hot and cold beverages. Experimenting with spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, or cardamom is also an easy way to cut back on sugar while adding another dimension of flavor – these are some of my personal favorites!