Coffee is a beloved morning ritual and stimulant enjoyed by millions, helping many wake up and maintain energy throughout the day if they struggle with getting enough restful restful sleep. If you want your cup of joe to be safe for both yourself and the environment, opt for organic products instead – these do not contain harmful chemicals which could impact long-term health issues and must meet strict standards in farming, processing and manufacturing before becoming labeled organic.

USDA definition of organic coffee production states it as cultivation without using artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or any other synthetic substances – meaning organic farmers use only naturally-derived fertilizers such as manure or compost produced through biodynamic methods – while also being mindful of wildlife disturbance during production. Organic farming benefits both health and flavor of its produce while simultaneously contributing to environmental protection efforts in general.

Organic coffee beans offer more than just synthetic-chemical-free health benefits; they’re packed full of antioxidants that may protect you against certain diseases and premature aging, making them essential to overall wellness and good health.

Non-organic coffee, which is grown using conventional techniques that use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, is much more toxic than its organic counterpart. Chemicals used during conventional cultivation techniques can leech into drinking water supplies and cause health issues in local communities.

One reason that some coffee farms and coops cannot afford to grow and sell organic coffee is lack of buyers to justify its higher cost tag. Unfortunately, this has led them to let their organic certification lapse; which poses serious problems given USDA requirements regarding certified products.

Support small-scale organic producers by purchasing organic products. In doing so, you’ll ensure they can keep doing what they do and provide consumers with delicious coffee that’s good for both themselves and our planet – as more customers demand more sustainable and environmentally responsible options! Is organic coffee safe to drink? Absolutely!