No doubt about it – coffee is an invigorating beverage that can boost energy levels. But with all of the different varieties on the market, choosing wisely is essential. Non-organic coffee contains pesticides and herbicides which have been linked to cancer as well as damage to reproductive and nervous systems. When you purchase organic coffee instead, however, you can rest assured knowing that each cup will be free from these chemicals while providing essential nutrients in one delicious cup joe!

Studies have demonstrated that organic coffee contains higher concentrations of magnesium, potassium, niacin, B vitamins and antioxidants than conventional beans due to not being exposed to any harmful chemicals during production. Organically produced coffee also offers advantages for both the environment and farmers who produce it; farmers who utilize this practice are offered fairer wages and better living conditions compared with their conventional counterparts.

Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not only detrimental to humans; they’re harmful for nature. Excessive use of these toxic chemicals pollutes soil and pollutes water supplies. Organic farms don’t utilize such harmful products and thus contribute positively to environmental preservation by encouraging native plants and animals to flourish in harmony with nature.

Organic coffee has more intense and fragrant flavors than its conventionally produced counterpart, thanks to naturally occurring anti-oxidants in its beans. Plus, organically produced coffee tends to be shade grown which prevents rainforest destruction while supporting local ecosystems.

Shade trees provide wildlife a natural home, helping reduce the need to clear forest areas for coffee plantations development. Furthermore, forested environments offer protection from extreme weather patterns – lessening coffee producers’ vulnerability to climate change and droughts.

When buying organic coffee, it’s essential to look out for products with the USDA Organic seal. This indicates that the product was certified organic by the Department of Agriculture and adheres to certain standards about how the beans were grown, handled, processed and produced; additionally it must also meet specific roasting and packaging regulations in order to be labeled as such.

No matter your coffee preference – Starbucks fan or not – it is important to understand how your purchases impact the world around you. We often forget that everything we do has an effect on our planet but small changes such as choosing organic coffee can help preserve both health and the environment.