People often rely on 5-hour energy drinks as a source of daily motivation and focus. Students, workers who need to remain focused at work and those looking for extra boost before exercising often turn to this drink, however is it really healthier than coffee? Let’s examine some facts and see.

First and foremost, one should assess how much caffeine there is in each serving of an energy drink. A typical 8-ounce coffee glass has approximately 95 mg of caffeine; while each 2-ounce bottle of 5-hour energy has as much as 230 mg. Taurine, choline and glucuronolactone have all been demonstrated to have beneficial effects on your body; caffeine may cause side effects like heart palpitations, jitteriness or difficulty sleeping. Not to be forgotten is that 5-hour Energy should not be consumed if taking medication of any kind, whether over-the-counter headache medications or prescription drugs. Because caffeine can alter how some medicines are absorbed by your body, if you believe any interactions may arise it would be wise to consult with a physician if you think any might do.

Concerns are also being voiced regarding the amount of sugar present in each serving, even those considered sugar-free versions contain significant added sugar that could harm your body. Too much added sugar can cause blood sugar spikes that lead to issues like diabetes and other health conditions as well as create an unpleasant stomachache sensation.

Finally, other ingredients have been proven to be harmful over time, including sodium benzoate and sucralose. Both have been linked with various health issues; therefore it would be wise to limit or even avoid their consumption whenever possible.

Bottom Line

So is 5 Hour Energy healthier than coffee? Probably not. The one benefit it offers over its counterpart lies in having no calories to add to their beverage; however, many coffee drinkers add milk, sugar or other additives that increase its caloric count significantly.

If you’re looking for an alternative to coffee, add some low-calorie sweetener like Stevia to your cup. Or if you want a sweet beverage without all of the added sugars, replace creamer with almond milk; it will taste just as sweet without contributing to an energy drink’s high calorie count. Or consider swapping in healthy snacks like nuts or exercising instead if your brain and body need an extra boost; but if that fails try getting more sleep while cutting down on caffeinated and sugary drinks when needed!