Is Butter in Coffee Healthy?
No shortage of health supplements claim to boost energy and help with weight loss, but arguably none are more renowned and controversial than butter in coffee – or “Bulletproof Coffee,” created by tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey and known for boosting mental and physical performance as well as fighting fatigue, improving sleep patterns, and aiding digestion. Its popularity among celebrities such as A-listers has earned this unique combination cult following among both celebrities and Athletes alike.
Ingredients of an elixir are simple: one cup of coffee combined with at least one tablespoon (preferably organic) of grass-fed, unsalted butter from grass-fed cows (preferably unsalted ghee). A premium brand coffee that is low-mycotoxin will do just fine here; try shopping around for one at your local grocery store. Unsalted grass-fed ghee may be preferable over regular butter due to being higher in butyrate content and lower saturated fat than its conventional counterpart; plus this type of butter usually contains more vitamins A&K as well as omega-3 fatty acids compared with grain-fed cow butters!
MCT oil and butter in coffee may help the body absorb caffeine more slowly, maintaining energy throughout the day without experiencing a typical caffeine rush and crash. Furthermore, MCTs may aid fat-burning while butter’s high fat content helps you feel full longer.
Butter-coffee combo has long been a part of lifestyle and fitness circles, but recently made a significant comeback. Unfortunately, though it remains popular today, many stores do not carry high-quality ingredients for it yet and may require additional research or help in finding them.
If you want to give butter coffee a try at home, following a recipe is recommended to ensure its preparation and mixing is correct. Pouring hot coffee over raw butter without fully mixing them may result in an unpleasant greasy mouthfeel and high calorie counts and saturated fat counts that could discourage some from trying it for themselves.
As well as being high in calories and fat, butter coffee is also devoid of essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. By substituting it for meals or portions of your diet with it instead, essential dietary items like carbohydrates, proteins and fiber may go undelivered – making it essential to continue eating healthy meals throughout the day and meet recommended dietary fat consumption through plant sources such as nuts seeds or olive oil.