How to Make Your Cup of Coffee Healthier
No matter your taste in coffee, one thing is certain – this beverage plays an integral part in our health and wellbeing. Studies suggest that drinking multiple cups daily could reduce heart disease risk, reduce blood pressure levels and enhance brain functioning.
However, it’s important to remember that most of these benefits are dependent upon other healthy practices like exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet. Caffeine may cause jitters or disrupt sleep so it’s best to consume in moderation.
One of the easiest and healthiest ways to make your cup of joe more nutritous is to reduce added sugar. This can be accomplished either through using natural sweeteners such as honey or stevia, or gradually decreasing how much you add until you achieve desired level of sweetness. You should also try not adding creamers that often contain unhealthy fats and calories. If caffeine intake concerns are an issue for you, consider starting by restricting yourself to 400 milligrams daily as this has been found safe for healthy adults.
Quality coffee beans that are grown organically have an enormous influence on its nutritional value, so investing in such beans will ensure it is free from pesticides and chemicals that could have negative consequences for your health. Furthermore, selecting light roast coffee increases polyphenol levels in your beverage; polyphenols contain compounds with positive health impacts like reducing diabetes risks or protecting against Alzheimer’s.
Notably, mycotoxin levels may exist in certain types of coffee; however, these levels tend to be reduced during roasting. If you want to ensure you stay as low on mycotoxin exposure as possible, look for certified mycotoxin-free coffee varieties.
Finally, when selecting coffee you should also keep in mind the role of your gut microbiome. Studies have revealed that daily drinking of coffee may help foster good bacteria while suppressing bad ones – in fact, studies show that having more diverse gut microbiomes leads to greater health benefits overall.
Coffee offers numerous health benefits, which is one reason it remains such a beloved beverage worldwide. When consumed sensibly and in moderation, however, coffee can become part of an overall wellness-oriented lifestyle plan – just be sure to find the balance between sensory pleasures of coffee drinking and meeting wellness objectives!