Nootropics, also known as smart drugs, are cognitive enhancers touted to improve learning and memory retention, mental clarity, focus and concentration. Also referred to as brain boosters or smart drugs, nootropics come in both synthetic and natural varieties – including caffeine, L-theanine, L-carnitine, Ashwagandha (Brahmi), Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba Holy Basil Guarana as well as others sold over-the-counter at pharmacies or grocery stores near them.

Nootropics, or cognitive-enhancing chemicals, are increasingly popular among college students taking exams or young professionals in high-pressure fields looking for creative and productivity boost. Although there hasn’t been any definitive research supporting nootropics – even among experts like UC Berkeley nutritional scientist Marc Hellerstein has doubts – most users self-diagnose and share tips and studies with fellow enthusiasts online; older consumers seem less enthusiastic; in general only 2 percent of women and 1 percent of men 55 or over show any interest.

Nootropic companies are now taking nootropic trends a step further by combining cognitive enhancers like nootropics with everyone’s favorite morning ritual–coffee. This new nootropic coffee brand promises increased alertness, reduced stress levels, improved mood and sharpened memory – while still tasting great. Our research team conducted rigorous scientific experiments, evaluated user testimonials and tested numerous leading nootropic coffee brands before compiling this comprehensive guide as to whether nootropics can be taken with coffee.