Coffee has become an essential component of millions of daily rituals around the globe, signalling the start of each new day with its rich aroma and invigorating taste – as well as providing an instant energy boost with its caffeine content. Furthermore, it contains important nutrients such as riboflavin, potassium magnesium manganese – with regular coffee consumption even said to reduce Parkinson’s risk!

Nootropics, also referred to as “smart drugs”, are substances that enhance cognition and facilitate learning, much like coffee’s effects. Nootropics have gained immense popularity as effective stimulant alternatives that have few or no side effects; many supplements like L-theanine, Rhodiola rosea or Alpha-GPC can provide this benefit.

Nootropic coffees are an emerging trend in the health and wellness industry, combining the stimulating qualities of coffee with nootropic ingredients like L-theanine, ashwagandha or Rhodiola rosea for maximum energy boost and cognitive enhancement. Our experts delved deep into science, user reviews and leading brand nootropic coffee brands in order to bring you this ultimate guide on selecting your ideal nootropic coffee product.