When discussing what constitutes “halal”, many may associate the concept with food and drinks; however, Islam has specific regulations concerning what is permissible (halal) and not permissible (haram), including beverages like coffee. Is coffee considered haram or halal?

For centuries, Islamic scholars argued that drinking coffee would cause sinful thoughts to surface and that its caffeine had mind-altering properties similar to those found in narcotic substances and could become addictive. Thankfully, most Muslim scholars rejected these fatwas, making coffee considered halal (halal).

Coffee was previously banned due to its stimulating properties. Coffee can help wake us up, increase alertness and improve performance both at work and school, but excessive coffee consumption may cause health risks; therefore, only drink in moderation.

What distinguishes coffee as halal is its lack of intoxicating ingredients or alcohol or fermentation products, both considered forbidden in Islam and frowned upon. Muslims must avoid all forms of alcohol consumption for religious reasons.

On the contrary, coffee is made from plant materials which are considered halal for consumption, without any artificial flavors that are prohibited under Islam. The only ingredient which could make coffee non-halal would be creamers or flavorings; therefore it is imperative that consumers read labels to purchase certified products.

One of the most favored coffees in Indonesia is kopi luwak. This premium beverage is harvested from civet cat droppings and has an exclusive taste. While it may be expensive and difficult to acquire in stores, the Ulema Council in Indonesia has declared this form of coffee as being halal as long as the beans have been washed first.

Kopi Tua (instant coffee made of roasted beans mixed with sugar and milk powder) is another halal coffee beverage, but should only be consumed sparingly as too much can be harmful. Opting for a reliable brand of tua is also wise, as not all are equal. When purchasing instant coffee, however, halal-certified brands should be given preference. Halal certified companies undergo a stringent certification process to ensure their products are suitable for Muslim consumers. If you have concerns about a particular coffee’s safety, reach out to its manufacturer; most often halal-certified firms will be more than willing to explain their methods in more detail.