ORGANO green tea combined with the prized Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom makes for a refreshing and nourishing beverage rich in antioxidants. Enjoy this mild tasting herbal drink today.

G. lucidum contains polysaccharides, oxygenated triterpenoids and lucidenic acid which have shown to possess beneficial hepatoprotective, antihypertensive, hypocholesterolemic and antihistaminic effects; they also possess antitumor, antigiogenic and immunomodulatory properties.


Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to in China and Japan as Lingzhi or Reishi, has been used for over 2000 years in traditional Chinese medicine for a wide variety of indications including improving overall health and longevity. It has long been recognized for its antioxidant activity which may offer protection from cardiometabolic diseases.

Antioxidative properties of polysaccharides, glycoproteins, triterpenes and amino acids can be attributed to their constituent parts: polysaccharides, glycoproteins, triterpenes and amino acids. Polysaccharides in particular have shown strong reducing power, hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and chelating activity that has been proven to decrease lipid peroxidation as well as production of malondialdehyde (MDA), an indicator of cell damage by inhibiting its production; additionally they enhance glutathione peroxidase which provides the main defense against free radicals.

Glycoproteins have been reported to contain antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. They can be found in the fruiting bodies and mycelia of G. lucidum and have been shown to impede tumor growth by inhibiting its spread. Furthermore, glycoproteins were reported to facilitate production of cytokines by phagocytic cells.

Triterpenes are naturally-occurring compounds derived from isoprene units and characterized by their C30 skeleton structure, and classified into various groups based on their structure, aroma, volatility and therapeutic properties. Lanostans found in G. lucidum fruiting bodies are one such group; these contain aldehydes, alcohols, esters, ketones and lactones which show anticancer benefits through studies which demonstrated its extract’s ability to inhibit adhesion migration and invasion by MDA-MB-231 cells by inhibiting adhesion migration invasion and invasion by GLE from studies done on human cells derived from human tissues compared with control groups containing controls containing no active ingredients whatsoever derived from synthetic sources containing other than these ones found elsewhere.

GLE has also been shown to have a beneficial impact on blood glucose regulation among diabetic patients, with its hypoglycemic properties demonstrated both in vitro and animal studies. Unfortunately, clinical trial results have been mixed due to different Ganoderma formulations or study populations used. Further large-scale controlled clinical trials must be conducted on G. lucidum preparations with known active components for prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic disease.


Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi) has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen immune systems and treat various illnesses, including cancer and metabolic conditions. This plant boasts numerous active constituents that possess antitumor, immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic, antihypertensive properties. Furthermore, research indicates its polysaccharides and triterpenes contain antioxidant and chelating activity as well as having antiinflammatory and immune stimulating benefits.

An ethanol extract from G. lucidum recently demonstrated that it could reduce excessive production of NO, PGE2, pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 and TNF-a produced during LPS stimulation of BV-2 microglial cells by targeting the NF-kB and toll-like receptor signalling pathways. Furthermore, healthy volunteers found an increase in CD3, CD4, CD8 lymphocytes as well as NK cells following treatment with this extract, as well as suppressed tumour growth in mouse models using it.

Studies have also indicated that combining reishi and green tea may help prevent cancer and decrease chemotherapy effects, due to its rich source of polysaccharides, triterpenes, and other bioactive molecules that act as strong anticancer agents.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of Reishi and Green Tea mushrooms for reducing cholesterol, hypertension and triglycerides in blood, due to their antihypertensive action as well as being proven effective at inducing weight loss, lowering glucose levels for diabetic patients and improving cardiovascular functions. These benefits come as the result of their lipid-reducing and antihypertensive properties; additionally their antihypertensive activity helps induce weight loss as well as improving cardiovascular functions.

Ganoderma lucidum offers many therapeutic advantages that go far beyond what has been explored here. To tap its full potential, the mushrooms must be grown under strict environmental standards without pesticides and chemicals being used during cultivation. We have taken advantage of some of these advantages by combining 0.5g of Reishi with 2.5g of Green Tea into Ganogreen for an unparalleled holistic wellness experience! This product is exclusive and cannot be found elsewhere – give it a try now and discover its many health advantages!


Ganoderma species are not generally eaten for culinary use but instead used as medicinal mushrooms. Their tough and rigid fruiting bodies make them suitable as medicinal mushrooms, being dried and ground into powder form before being sold as dietary supplements to harness their health-promoting properties. Products include capsules or tablets, liquid extracts, tinctures tea bags rice wine and syrup and may go by various names such as Lingzhi Reishi Ganoderma; they’re widely available across markets with names like Lingzhi Reishi Ganoderma among others incorporated into commercial herbal/nutritional products like hair/skin care items beverages food supplements pharmaceutical products etc.

Studies have demonstrated G. lucidum is capable of both regulating blood sugar levels and reducing cholesterol, as well as acting as an antidiabetic. The antidiabetic effects can be attributed to its polysaccharides and glycoproteins which increase liver glucokinase activity as well as inhibit protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B activity; furthermore these bioactive compounds were shown to decrease serum triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as reduce serum triglyceride peroxidation and inflammation.

No clinical trials on humans to examine the anti-diabetic effectiveness of G. lucidum extracts have been conducted yet, despite promising laboratory and animal studies (Wang et al. 2011). Recent evidence shows that water extracts from fruiting body and mycelium of G. lucidum can significantly lower fasting plasma glucose, postprandial plasma glucose and HbA1c in those living with T2DM (Wang et al. 2011).

Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms, commonly referred to as “Lingzhi” or “Reishi”, have long been used in traditional Asian medicine as an effective treatment option for conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. “Lingzhi” means spiritual power in Chinese, and these medicinal mushrooms have been utilized since antiquity for their spiritual potential. G. lucidum mushroom is the most frequently consumed mushroom in China due to its unique pharmacological activities, which are attributable to triterpenoids and polysaccharides present within. Furthermore, this mushroom has anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities as well as immunomodulatory properties which have led many researchers to investigate the use of G. lucidum for treating metabolic disorders as well as coronavirus infection.


Ganoderma lucidum has long been recognised for its anti-inflammatory, lipid-reducing and antioxidant properties. These biological activities are associated with its polysaccharide peptides which modulate key factors that influence atherosclerosis and atrial fibrillation. A recent randomised closed-label clinical trial conducted with 38 patients suffering from atrial fibrillation demonstrated that supplementation with G. lucidum from PT Sahabat Lingkungan Hidup (Surabaya Indonesia) for 90 days significantly reduced both their blood pressures as well as their heart rates as well as total cholesterol, triglycerides LDL-C levels as IL-1b levels; as hsCRP levels were significantly reduced when compared with placebo treatment.

Ganoderma lucidum may provide immunomodulatory effects due to its polysaccharides, triterpenoids and other compounds. Polysaccharides are glycoproteins with high molecular weights such as b-glucans and polysidic acids; these bind with complement receptor type 3 and inhibit protein kinase C or b-catenin protein kinase activity; additionally branched b-1-3/1-6 D-glucans such as glucuronoglucan and Mannogalactoglucan have shown anticancer activity.

G. lucidum polysaccharides improved renal recovery in an animal model of ischemia and reperfusion by inhibiting Toll-like receptor and NF-kB signalling pathways in BV2 microglial cells. Furthermore, their extract was found to decrease NO, PGE2 production as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1b and TNF-a production by inhibiting their excessive production via Toll-like receptor and NF-kB pathways in these microglial cells.

Note that the liver-protective effects of Ganoderma Lucidum have not yet been established through clinical trials. Although various cases of hepatotoxicity related to its components have been reported in literature, most were mild with only minor elevations in serum aminotransferase levels observed.

Quality Ganoderma Lucidum consumed for consumption is essential to its efficacy. Research has indicated that freeze-dried products provide better results, since heat treatment may reduce amounts of polysaccharides, lucidenic acid and 12-acetyl lucidenic acid F.