How Do They Make Organic Decaf Coffee?
If caffeine consumption is an issue for you or is medically necessary, switching to decaf is an excellent way to enjoy all of the health benefits of coffee without all of its jitters. According to research conducted by the National Coffee Association, drinking coffee can lower risk factors like diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and liver cancer.
All natural whole bean and ground coffee contains small amounts of caffeine. There are various methods for extracting it from green beans, but none is 100% caffeine free; in order to match a cup of regular coffee’s level of caffeine intake with just decaf coffee it would take over 10 cups!
Sweet Maria’s only purchases decaf beans processed through this method and is certified organic and kosher certified, thus eliminating 97%-99% of caffeine content per serving of whole bean or ground coffee. The Swiss Water Process method does not employ chemicals; thus making this popular with specialty coffee roasters as well as being certified kosher certified and organic certified.
This process begins by soaking raw green coffee beans in a solution combining pure hot water with activated carbon filter beds to remove caffeine from them, followed by filtering through activated carbon beds and filtering out caffeine-free extract. That extract can then be used to soak another batch of beans that already possess flavour from their initial extraction; since their flavors remain intact only caffeine will be removed, leaving behind all other beneficial properties of coffee and leaving its beans ready for roasting later.
Chemical decaffeination uses solvents like ethyl acetate to quickly strip caffeine from beans, but comes with its own set of risks for health and environmental concerns; Ethyl Acetate can be toxic both humans and the environment and leaves residue that alters flavor of final product; plus this process is costly.
There are other methods available for producing decaf coffee that do not involve chemical solvents or any other potentially hazardous materials, known as non-solvent or chemical-free processes. These may involve steam extraction with either CO2 or water extraction to separate out caffeine from beans; Swiss Water and CO2 methods are considered organic, while water extraction processes could even qualify as “green.”
Decided upon by personal taste and coffee type. At Organic Decaf Heavyweight Blend we have an assortment of delicious organic decaf coffees which are sure to meet all of your needs – try the bold, smooth and full bodied coffee that features sweet berry notes with milk chocolate undertones; perfect for full city roasts using water process production!