Ganoderma lucidum, more commonly known as Reishi, is packed with antioxidants and immune-enhancing compounds and has been utilized as part of Chinese medicine for millennia.

Spore powder production can be very expensive, as it requires mushrooms to be harvested at exactly the right time and cracked into powder form in an efficient manner. Furthermore, these elements play an integral role in its quality.

Natural Vitality

Ganoderma lucidum is one of the oldest and most esteemed herbs in Chinese medicine. Known for its ability to help support healthy blood sugar, reduce stress levels, boost energy levels and act as an adaptogen – helping your body work the way it was designed – it’s the ideal supplement to help you feel your best and make the most of life!

ORGANO Gold offers an assortment of products containing Ganoderma. Their production process ensures only high-grade ingredients are used, while they offer an assortment of flavors so that customers can find something suitable to them – instant coffee with Ganoderma as an antioxidant source is just one such item; there’s also herbal tea and supplements containing Ganoderma which contain essential nutrients!

Producing top-grade Ganoderma spores requires immense care and expertise. Spores must be harvested at just the right moment in order to maintain their potency and then combined with other ingredients and ground into powder for use in their products.

ORGANO’s products stand out from others on the market due to their unique spore powder. ORGANO cultivates its spores using natural and organic methods – growing them on logs instead of plastic bags like most companies do – which results in superior product quality overall.

ORGANO’s products contain polysaccharides and triterpenes which provide them with incredible benefits, like beta-glucans for cholesterol reduction and increased immune function; plus powerful anti-oxidants to fight premature aging and protect from oxidative damage to cells. Taken daily as part of your self-care routine or COGNITION’s cognitive health enhancement, they may help improve memory retention and mental agility – ORGANO can also offer Reishi mushroom supplements which have scientifically been shown to do both!

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Ganoderma lucidum is an outstanding immune-enhancing fungus that strengthens your body’s ability to fight viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. Furthermore, this mushroom provides potent sources of antioxidants which fight the effects of aging in your body – thus providing more energy, reduced stress levels, healthy blood sugar levels and even weight management benefits!

Ganoderma mushrooms, popularly referred to in China as Reishi or Lingzhi, have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an immune booster and liver health enhancer. Reishi/Lingzhi mushrooms provide one of the best natural sources of Beta-Glucan which stimulates immune response.

Ganoderma mushrooms possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief to people suffering from chronic conditions like arthritis, heart disease and inflammatory bowel syndrome. Furthermore, this mushroom supports cardiovascular systems by helping reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus), an antioxidant-rich superfood originating from North America and Europe, is an abundant source of nutrition. Notably rich in B vitamins, vitamin D, selenium and zinc minerals as well as powerful antioxidants which may protect cells against free radical damage and potentially cancer-causing agents, it provides an abundance of protein while offering great source of B vitamins.

Organo Gold’s team of organic product creators is dedicated to crafting organic products that benefit both people and planet. We offer delicious coffee blends, teas, and supplements infused with Ganoderma lucidum for maximum health benefits – gourmet black coffee has low caffeine levels for energy and energizing benefits; weight loss; mental clarity/concentration support; alkalising effects on body; immune support services support; plus more! Our organic range offers something delicious for both body and mind!

Our OGX supplements contain a combination of ingredients designed to deliver maximum benefits, such as reishi, ganoderma lucidum mycelium and cordyceps mushrooms. Reishi is a medicinal mushroom which has been shown to improve sleep quality, increase energy levels and decrease stress levels while simultaneously providing essential antioxidants and more.

Supports Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

Ganoderma mushroom is an immune-enhancing herb believed to help lower cholesterol levels while simultaneously stimulating T-cell production in the body, which play an integral role in protecting against diseases like cancer. Furthermore, this mushroom has also been shown to support healthy sleep patterns and stress reduction while simultaneously being known for taming inflammation, increasing energy, and stamina levels – it’s even used as a key component in many traditional Chinese medicines!

High blood pressure is a chronic problem that poses significant danger to heart health. It’s caused by excess fluid build-up in body blood vessels, leading to harder pushing action of blood against arterial walls. Left untreated, high blood pressure may eventually lead to heart failure where enough blood cannot reach all body systems for use by organs such as the heart. High blood pressure treatment options include lifestyle modifications, exercise programs, herbal remedies like Ganoderma Lucidum capsules as well as diet.

Utilizing Ganoderma to control blood pressure is a safe and effective way to combat heart disease and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ganoderma has been scientifically demonstrated as an antioxidant – meaning it neutralizes harmful free radicals in your body that may damage cells leading to mutation and disease – so taking daily ganoderma supplements will keep your body strong against heart disease.

Ganoderma supplements are made from the mycelium of the ganoderma mushroom and feature a combination of both ganoderma and cordyceps mushrooms, grown on purple corn as a non-GMO substrate that enhances bioavailability and natural expression of their ingredients – providing more vitamins and minerals in each product than otherwise would be possible, plus anti-ageing benefits from anti-ageing dietary fiber and protein!

Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms have been used for over 5,000 years in China as an herb with incredible healing powers, earning it the name “Mushroom of Immortality” and being considered as a national treasure in their homeland. Additionally, this super food boasts natural properties which promote balanced living through supporting lifestyle balance.

Supports Healthy Blood Circulation

Ganoderma lucidum, more commonly known by its Chinese names Lingzhi or Reishi, is one of the oldest and most revered herbs used in Chinese herbalism. This highly prized ingredient not only boosts immunity and contains antioxidants but can also promote blood circulation and prevent atherosclerosis while its heart-friendly qualities help reduce cholesterol levels – it has even been used for thousands of years to help support a healthy circulatory system as well as manage diabetes, regulate cholesterol and support weight management!

Ganogold employs an innovative cultivation process and advanced processing techniques to ensure their products meet stringent purity, quality, and potency standards. Their products include coffee, green tea and supplement capsules infused with Ganoderma to add an energy boost. Furthermore, their powder can easily dissolve into hot or cold beverages – even smoothies, juices and other recipes!

Mushrooms take anywhere between 5-7 months to mature to the point that their spores can be harvested, which are considered the crown jewels of these beautiful organisms and contain high concentrations of essential vitamins and nutrients. They must be collected at precisely the right moment and collected correctly, as this has an immediate impact on quality. Also, over 2000 pounds of powdered spores must be produced just two pounds worth.

Organic Ganoderma Spores can be costly due to the careful handling and processing required to preserve their quality. They must be harvested at precisely the right time, without crushing them, cracked open gently without crushing, then mixed with other ingredients before being stored under specific conditions to keep them fresh.

OG utilizes only premium-grade mushrooms sourced from China and Japan forests, using production processes patented and monitored to guarantee quality. Their products can be found worldwide including gourmet coffee, green tea and supplement capsules that use ganoderma as a natural health booster.

The premium gourmet King of Coffee is an ideal way to begin each day, packed with antioxidants and ganoderma. Additionally, its special blend of herbal extracts features ginkgo biloba for protecting against free radical damage and helping maintain a healthy blood pressure level; Reishi helps increase red blood cells while alleviating symptoms associated with thrombocytopenia.