How to Make Strong Mushroom Tea
Tea has many health and wellbeing benefits that range from relieving anxiety before bed to supporting cognitive function at work, from stress reduction and immune support, as well as being an easy way to eliminate caffeine while adding antioxidants into your diet. Reishi and lion’s mane teas offer particularly useful soothing qualities when used regularly; similarly boosting cognitive performance during an intense workday with reishi is another popular mushroom tea choice.
Mushroom tea tastes vary depending on which types or blends of mushrooms or blends are used, but generally speaking it has an earthy, subtle flavor akin to green tea but with added energy. Some even compare its effects with that of drinking coffee!
Making mushroom tea can be accomplished using either loose tea leaves or pre-packaged bags found at most grocery stores. When using loose leaf, make sure that it’s prepared according to package instructions in order to produce strong tea that you can truly appreciate.
If using tea bags, simply place one or more in a mug with hot water and allow it to steep for three to five minutes before sipping – the longer it sits in, the stronger its taste will become!
Mushroom tea makes an excellent alternative to coffee and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Some people add milk of their choosing to thicken up the liquid and create more like a latte or chai in terms of its creamy texture and taste.
Mushroom tea sales are on the rise, and there are now an increasing number of brands providing both loose leaf and pre-packaged versions. It’s essential that you do your research and select one with an excellent reputation for quality; reliable companies should offer money-back guarantees should any issues arise with their product.
Some brands also provide mushroom tea in powder form, making it popular with those who like to microdose – taking small, subperceptual doses of mushrooms to improve mood and focus.
At the end of the day, it comes down to taste and personal preferences. Experiment with various combinations until you find one that meets both your needs and desired effects; for instance reishi and ashwagandha can help relieve stress while encouraging sleep at night, while cordyceps and lion’s mane could boost energy levels and enhance concentration during the day.
Mushroom tea has quickly become a trend and it’s easy to see why: not only does it taste delicious, but its ingredients also support health and wellbeing. So what are you waiting for? Create your own nourishing cup of magic now!