How to Make Magic Mushroom Tea
Mushrooms can be consumed raw and dried in various forms. Most people either eat them by themselves, with food to hide the taste, or in tea form which has a gentler and smoother effect than eating raw mushrooms; tea tends to produce faster effects with longer lasting experience compared to eating raw varieties alone; its effects usually begin happening more quickly when making tea; its experience lasts up to six hours as opposed to several. Combining different varieties can have synergistic effects; for instance some people like using Reishi and Lion’s Mane in combination in order to enhance mental clarity, focus, energy levels, durability – commonly referred to as’medicinal blend’
Preparing magic mushroom tea involves boiling water with chopped or ground up mushrooms, simmering it for five minutes and sipping the tea regularly as an aid for digestion and absorption of psilocybin, and eliminating nausea associated with taking raw magic mushrooms. Consuming them this way also provides for a less intense, gradual and gradual trip; perfect for beginners or those with sensitive stomachs.
Some people use mushrooms as a method to microdose, taking small doses in order to achieve subliminal and non-perceptual psychedelic effects. You can do this by drinking mushroom tea or mixing mushrooms into food or beverages; other methods for intaking psilocybin include capsules and tincture.
Remember, even small doses of mushrooms can have profound and life-altering effects; thus, safe consumption and following instructions for the variety you have selected are of vital importance.
Mushroom tea is the most common and well-liked method of mushroom consumption, which involves soaking chopped or grounded up mushrooms in hot water for several hours until all their indigestible chitin has been broken down and digestible chitin released, providing relief from nausea when consumed raw. Cooking also breaks down indigestible chitin making the mushrooms more digestible.
Some people like to soak their mushrooms in alcohol before adding them to a tea, creating an alcohol extract. This method is ideal for beginners as it’s simple to do and works for most varieties of mushroom. By adding an alcohol extract of mushroom to tea, more psilocybin per serving is gained, creating an overall more potency experience than simply intaking the whole mushroom straight. Note, however, that taking too many magic mushroom tea doses at once can be harmful; in order to avoid any risks such as “ego death”, follow instructions specific for that mushroom by taking low or moderate doses over time.