Gourmet coffee and cocoa blended together with Ganoderma create this delectable specialty drink, ideal as an after-meal refreshment or midday pick-me-up.

Organo Gold‘s business philosophy is “KISS,” or Keep It Simple, according to Morand. Ganoderma extract can now be found in everyday products such as black coffee, lattes, chocolate bars and green tea from this innovative company.

Black Coffee

Black coffee is the most common variety of brewed coffee and contains caffeine. Since it does not include milk, creamer or sugar for its unique bitter flavor, black coffee often serves as part of breakfast service and can help boost metabolism while simultaneously raising energy levels and cognitive functioning. Black coffee may also improve cognitive functioning and alertness as well as help prevent diuretic problems while increasing alertness levels – however its consumption should be avoided during breastfeeding or medication administration to prevent diuretics or digestive upset from developing.

Black coffee may not be the healthiest drink choice, but it may be beneficial for certain individuals. Caffeine in black coffee has been shown to boost metabolism and suppress hunger while simultaneously decreasing heart failure risk and multiple sclerosis risks as well as decreasing chances of liver cancer for those consuming four or more cups daily.

Black coffee is made by roasting and grinding beans before steeping them in hot water, producing an intoxicating beverage enjoyed globally. Robusta beans are preferred by those in Europe and Africa while Arabica varieties such as Liberica are more frequently served in North America; Arabica has a smoother taste with reduced acidity; Liberica features woody aromas. The ideal black coffee should be roasted in small batches to ensure more control of flavor and consistency; professional critics often assess coffee based on its roast and region rather than whether milk or sugar additives alter its original character – therefore many professional critics evaluate black coffee on its original characteristics rather than add-ons that may add alter its character; many professional critics judge coffee solely according to roast and region when rating it;


A popular beverage around the globe, latte is an irresistibly creamy blend of espresso and steamed milk, available in numerous flavors. Perfectly customizable to any palette thanks to add-ins like syrups or milk alternatives, its popularity remains undiminished today.

Latte offers many health advantages when consumed in moderation, especially as an antioxidant-rich food source. Antioxidants help prevent cardiovascular disease and enhance memory retention; reduce inflammation; fight free radicals; strengthen immunity; lower the risk of obesity/diabetes/infection; boost mood enhancing properties and help combat stress relief.

A latte is a coffee beverage which combines espresso with steamed and foamed milk, popular in American coffee shops and enjoyed by adults and teenagers alike. The beverage can either contain one or two shots of espresso with either single or double milk steaming; often finished off with decorative designs like hearts or even complex shapes like rosettas or swans to give an appealing final look.

Latte can be made at home using any quality espresso machine, though for optimal results you will require one equipped with both a steam wand and pitcher, to steam milk evenly up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit for best results – inconsistent heating could result in lumpy or bubbly drinks if uneven heating occurs – it is also wise to use a thermometer as this will enable accurate measurement.


Mocha is a coffee-based drink featuring chocolate and espresso, typically combined with any type of chocolate to suit each drinker’s preference in terms of sweetness. The combination of flavors gives this beverage its distinct character, and makes it a favourite among coffee enthusiasts. Chocolate also helps mask any bitterness from an espresso shot shot for those who may not prefer such strong coffee notes.

Mocha drinks can be customized by topping it off with whipped cream and cocoa powder for an eye-catching presentation. A popular coffee drink choice, the mocha is often enjoyed as dessert or after dinner drink and enjoyed hot or iced. Perfect for those seeking the stimulating effects of caffeine while wanting something sweet to add an extra sweet note in their day.

Mocha beverages come in various varieties, each featuring more chocolate than its predecessor. Some use syrup while others utilize cocoa powder or both together for maximum chocolatey goodness. When adding cocoa powder directly to coffee beverages, it should first be mixed with either water or milk in order to form a paste; this helps prevent it from clumping while simultaneously dissolving into liquid faster and easier.

Mochas are distinguished from other coffee drinks by their higher calorie count and use of sweeteners, particularly chocolate syrup and other toppings that increase its caloric value. By contrast, lattes made with steamed milk only are lower calorie drinks. Although adding chocolate syrup or toppings increases its caloric count further.

Green Tea

As temperatures decrease, many turn to warm drinks for comfort. Coffee and tea are both popular options; hot chocolate can also provide comforting warmth for those seeking an alternative source of caffeine or who want to reduce intake altogether.

But it’s important to keep in mind that even non-caffeinated hot chocolate does contain some caffeine – the exact amount varies based on the recipe and ingredients used, but is typically higher than coffee as most hot chocolate recipes include cocoa powder containing caffeine.

Green tea has long been considered one of the world’s healthiest beverages, and with good reason. Packed with vital nutrients and antioxidants that have a range of health benefits ranging from weight loss, heart health, and skin care; its most renowned constituent is Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) has even been linked with weight reduction! While water remains the world’s primary beverage choice, tea has long been appreciated for its medicinal qualities.

King of Coffee

With such an imposing name as King of Coffee, this premium beverage must live up to expectations. Packed full of organic Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Powder-infused coffee grounds for an extraordinary experience that would fit the bill as King.

Ganoderma spores contain triterpenes, a group of chemicals known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Furthermore, these triterpenes can boost your immunity as well as your energy levels – making king of coffee an excellent way to enhance overall health and fitness.

King of Coffee takes extraordinary measures to ensure its spores are as pure as possible. As Ganoderma mushroom spores are among the most expensive components, their processing can have a huge effect on their quality. King of Organic Coffee takes an innovative approach by cracking only outer shell and small amounts of spores for extraction – this process ensures your beverage is as healthy as possible!

King of Coffee is an ideal way to boost energy levels and overall health, not to mention delicious! Easy to mix with water or milk and enjoyed hot or cold; add it into smoothies or other recipes as well!

There are various flavors to choose from, such as black coffee, latte, mocha, green tea and chocolate. Each product contains Ganoderma extract – long used by Chinese herbalism for its healing properties – along with other natural ingredients to support overall wellbeing and ensure you live an enriched life both inside and out.