can mushroom coffee make you nauseous

Mushrooms have long been revered for their medicinal qualities, and now they’re making waves as an ingredient in coffee. Mushroom coffee consists of ground coffee beans combined with dehydrated mushroom extracts like lion’s mane, chaga, cordyceps and turkey tail – these mushrooms are believed to offer multiple health benefits including increased focus and immunity boosting qualities; but could mushroom coffee make you queasy?

Answering this question depends on the types of mushrooms present and their caffeine content. Most mushroom coffee blends contain minimal levels of caffeine, making them suitable for most individuals; however, those sensitive to certain compounds could experience adverse side effects, including jitteriness, stomach upset and anxiety from these compounds.

Although mushroom coffee might sound appealing, there’s little proof it has any tangible health advantages and more research should be conducted before making a recommendation to the general public. Proponents claim it reduces stress, bloat and inflammation; increases immunity; boosts energy and memory improvement – but according to nutritionists at ModifyHealth they believe similar health benefits may be achieved simply through eating whole mushrooms as part of a healthier diet.

Consuming chaga mushrooms could trigger allergic reactions for those sensitive to them and raise levels of oxalates in their bodies, potentially increasing kidney stone formation in predisposed individuals. Furthermore, mushroom coffee contains ingredients which could stimulate digestion causing diarrhea in some users and even irritate the lining of throat and nose in those sensitive to mushrooms.

Mushroom coffee contains caffeine, which is known to increase heart rate and blood pressure; those who suffer from these conditions should refrain from drinking it. Furthermore, its consumption can stain teeth so those planning on partaking should brush their teeth frequently before drinking any mushroom coffee beverages.

Overall, it’s best to stick with traditional coffee while supplementing your diet with mushrooms separately from this beverage. Though mushroom-coffee has gained in popularity recently, further research must take place before widespread adoption can occur. Meanwhile, those curious can experiment with it; those wishing to do so should speak with their physician or registered dietitian first before making major dietary changes so that they understand all its pros and cons before making a final decision about whether it fits with them or not.