how to make psychedelic mushroom coffee

Mushroom coffee may seem like an unusual fad, but it has long been practiced. The concept is to take regular coffee and mix it with ground-up medicinal mushrooms that have been dehydrated and finely ground into powder, before being mixed with instant coffee grounds to produce a drink that looks, smells, and tastes just like any other cup of joe but which contains beneficial compounds including psilocybin as well as other chemicals known for having beneficial health effects.

There are various methods of making mushroom coffee, but one of the easiest and most accessible ways is using a percolator or French press setup to do it. Some mushroom coffee brands also sell special strains of mushroom that is low in mycotoxin (fungal toxins that may cause sickness) and has been processed so as to be suitable for human consumption – this strain of fungus known as “chaga” can be purchased online.

Mushroom coffee may provide numerous health benefits, from reduced stress levels and immunity enhancement to enhanced digestive function. The mushrooms used are adaptogens which aid the body by helping manage stress by regulating chemical reactions in both brain and body; their earthy flavor pairs perfectly with coffee, as have ancient Chinese medicines like Reishi, Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane mushrooms used since millennia ago for Traditional Chinese Medicine purposes.

Addition of mushrooms to coffee can induce an altered state of consciousness, but not everyone is prepared for the experience. As such, it’s advised that people start out slowly with small doses and gradually increase them over time. Psilocybin users must also have plenty of activities available that will keep their mind off what could otherwise become an overwhelming experience, in order to prevent accidentally taking in more than intended and having negative side-effects for both mental and physical wellbeing.

Psilocybin is one of the most promising drugs for treating depression and anxiety; however, more research needs to be conducted in this regard. As it’s a natural substance with no addictive properties, psilocybin makes an appealing option for treating mental health conditions without resorting to pharmaceutical medication.

With psilocybin’s recent Breakthrough Therapy designation by the FDA, development and review processes have been expedited significantly – potentially making it available on the market within several years. As a result, Denver-based Strava Craft Coffee has already begun work on producing coffee containing psilocybin which should become commercially available within months; customers will then be able to microdose the beverage. Wunderground Coffee currently offer free NFT trials on their website so customers can be among the first to try it, with 10% of profits going towards mental health groups; registration ends October 31 so don’t delay signing up!