Mushroom tea is a beverage composed of hot water that has been steeped with functional mushrooms for an array of health benefits.

This study examined the suitability of using a mixture of tea production waste and peat as casing material in tea plant mushroom cultivation. Results demonstrated that using this casing material increased yield.


Mushrooms are naturally abundant sources of antioxidants, and multiple studies have demonstrated their ability to neutralize free radicals within the body. This can have numerous health advantages such as improving immunity functions, decreasing inflammation levels and protecting cells.

Free radicals have been linked with inflammation, oxidative stress and degenerative diseases. Natural antioxidants may provide protection from free radicals by either scavenging them away or inhibiting their production – tea plant mushroom extract has proven its antioxidant powers.

Mushroom tea offers more than immune-enhancing properties; it can also support healthy weight loss. The combination of caffeine and polyphenols found in mushrooms promotes feelings of fullness to reduce overeating and boost metabolism; all while curbing cravings to make sticking to a healthier eating plan easier.

The global mushroom tea market is projected to experience compound annual compound annual compound annual compound annual compound annual compound annual compound growth rate from 2024-2031, driven largely by rising health and wellness awareness among consumers, particularly in Asia-Pacific region. Mushroom tea is seen as natural and holistic solution that supports health – something which resonates strongly with Asian-Pacific region consumers; therefore this trend should remain for forecast period 2031-2040.

An array of antioxidant assays were conducted to assess the antioxidant capacity of five medicinal mushrooms: Ganoderma lucidum (reishi), Hericium erinaceus (lion’s mane), Trametes versicolor (turkey tail), Lentinula edodes (shiitake) and Inonotus obliquus (chaga). Statistical significance was assessed using overall one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey honestly significant difference tests for pairwise comparisons.

Chaga mushroom boasts the strongest antioxidant profile among these. It contains polyphenols such as ellagic acid and quercetin that have been linked to inhibiting cancer growth as well as having anti-inflammatory effects, and adaptogenic properties which help the body deal with stress better while increasing energy levels; making chaga an ideal addition to tea blends like Laid Superfood’s Instant Mushroom Latte or Performance Mushroom Tea.


Mushrooms have long been valued across cultures for their nutritional and therapeutic properties. Now mushroom teas have seen a revival and are often touted for helping reduce inflammation, strengthen immune response, increase energy, detoxify the body and even aid weight loss.

Mushrooms are known as adaptogens, meaning they help the body better adapt to stress and environmental toxins by stabilizing blood sugar levels and strengthening immune functions. Furthermore, mushrooms contain anti-inflammatory properties which may reduce oxidative damage caused by chronic stressors like smoking, excessive drinking and lack of physical activity.

Chaga contains polysaccharides which have been shown to stimulate leukocyte production, strengthening immunity and helping prevent inflammation diseases such as COVID-19. Furthermore, studies suggest chaga may assist in supporting immune response against viruses as well.

Reishi has been shown to stimulate the immune response by inducing cytokines release – small proteins which signal to your body when pathogens attack – while also helping alleviate chronic pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia patients. Furthermore, its ganoderic acid can block central sensitization which occurs when your nervous system continues sending pain signals when they shouldn’t (Journal of Neuroinflammation 2023).

Researchers have discovered that extracts of chaga mushrooms are effective at modulating gene expression associated with proinflammatory mediators by blocking an enzyme, called tyrosinase, responsible for their formation. This has been attributed to its phenolic compounds acting as inhibitors against this activity.

Mushroom teas can be prepared quickly and easily; simply steep whole or ground mushrooms in hot water for 10-20 minutes before straining out any debris, or purchase powdered mushroom options that can be blended directly with hot water. Many options on the market contain both tea leaves and mushroom powder while there may also be products solely consisting of mushrooms themselves. As with all herbs or supplements taken daily, always consult your healthcare professional first, especially when taking multiple medications or experiencing health conditions at the same time.

Energy Booster

Tea plant mushroom’s naturally energy-boosting properties make it a valuable addition to herbal elixirs to combat feelings of fatigue, and also work well when combined with adaptogenic mushrooms such as lion’s mane and reishi. When combined together they have an additive effect, providing even stronger effects than using either one individually. In complex mushroom teas this pairing has an additive synergy that amplifies their individual benefits for added potency when used together.

Mushroom tea, commonly known in the US as “kombucha tea”, is an fermented beverage combining sweetened tea with a symbiotic colony of yeast and bacteria. This beverage has become increasingly popular as an organic, healthy alternative to carbonated drinks like soda. Kombucha isn’t the only way you can find beneficial mushrooms either; tea plant mushrooms have increasingly made an appearance in tea blends to support energy and immune system function.

There are various ways to prepare mushroom tea, depending on its ingredients and process. Some include whole dried mushrooms steeped in hot water for steeping while others incorporate extracts or flavorings into their blends. Most often these herbal beverages are caffeine-free as a means of providing immune system boost without adding unnecessary stress from caffeinated beverages or coffee consumption.

Tea plant mushrooms are an excellent dietary supplement to promote energy and immunity while simultaneously having natural fat-burning capabilities. Their abundance of fatty acids and amino acids ensure that metabolism runs smoothly, helping prevent accumulation of excess fat deposits.

Tea plant mushroom boasts multiple benefits for human health. These essential fatty acids and amino acids may reduce cardiovascular disease risks, help sustain a healthy weight and enhance blood circulation.

Mushroom products have seen increasing consumer interest across Asia-Pacific regions due to increased awareness of their health benefits and use in natural medicine, driving growth at an average compound annual growth rate of 8.4% between 2024-2031. The market for mushroom-based health and wellness products should experience similar gains at this rate.

Weight Loss

Mushroom teas typically contain less caffeine than other teas and coffee beverages, providing an ideal way to start your day without experiencing the caffeine crash. They’re also an excellent healthier alternative to sugary sodas or sweetened coffee drinks. Mushroom tea can even aid in weight loss by suppressing appetite and improving digestion.

Adaptogenic mushrooms such as Chaga have long been used as adaptogens across cultures worldwide. Its distinctive, heavy black hue – similar to burnt bark – comes from high levels of antioxidants present within it which give this mushroom its anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing effects as well as its metabolic boosting abilities, helping the body burn off more calories at rest.

Chaga helps regulate the body’s endocrine system, decreasing insulin resistance and supporting regular blood sugar levels. This is essential when trying to lose weight as excess insulin resistance may cause excess fat storage while high glucose levels have been linked with obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions.

Chaga tea made from Inonotus obliquus mushrooms is an effective detoxifier and has long been used as a way of protecting against disease and strengthening immunity. Recently it has experienced a resurgence due to its powerful cancer-fighting properties as well as nutritional value.

Tea made with functional mushrooms is becoming more and more popular among consumers worldwide, especially in Asia-Pacific where market forecasts project compound annual compound annual growth of 8.4% between 2024-2031.

Mushrooms provide an all-natural remedy for people concerned with their overall health and well-being, making mushroom teas ideal for morning wake-up calls, midday boosts or soothing herbal drinks in the evening.

Mushroom tea can be prepared several ways, with the most popular approach being steeping dried mushrooms in hot water to make an herbal beverage. Powdered options can also be mixed directly into hot water but these rarely contain whole mushrooms. For a truly enjoyable experience, combine your mushroom tea with earthy-flavoring mushrooms like lion’s mane or shiitake that are capable of withstanding heat, such as lion’s mane or shiitake mushrooms.