When purchasing flavored coffee from your local cafe, chances are it was made with chemicals. Most of its components don’t even exist naturally – big coffee makers use a range of synthetic chemicals to give their drinks their distinct flavors. Sometimes these chemical-laden substances can have negative health implications; so is flavored coffee safe?

Produces of flavored coffee utilize an array of chemicals in order to give your cup a doughnut, caramel or hazelnut taste, such as propylene glycol – a solvent also used in antifreeze and de-icers – in order to add these distinctive flavors. Unfortunately, however, large doses of propylene glycol can be toxic, including skin and eye irritants that could even lead to respiratory issues; additionally when mixed with certain metals it could produce toxic fumes which pose further potential health concerns for users.

Chemicals commonly employed in producing flavored coffee include diacetyl, which has been linked to bronchiolitis obliterans. This chemical is produced when coffee beans are roasted and ground; unfortunately there is no regulation limiting how much of this volatile organic compound can be released into the atmosphere when working with these beans. Not only is diacetyl harmful for people; its emissions also pose threats to the environment. It can damage lungs, nose and throats as well as nerve cells of humans as well as central nervous systems of both.

Mycotoxins, toxic byproducts of mold that have been detected in food and beverage products, pose another potential health hazard associated with flavored coffee. Their presence can lead to liver and kidney problems as well as cancerous growths.

Mycotoxins in flavored coffee typically result from cheap and subpar coffee beans used by big coffee companies to add flavorings, often in order to mask poor quality brew.

But there is good news! Organic coffee offers an effective solution to these risks by selecting certified organic varieties. When purchasing certified organic beans, you can be assured that they were grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides and using eco-friendly agricultural practices that help to preserve our planet.

Artizan Coffee provides an impressive collection of flavorful flavored coffees designed to tantalize your senses. We source organic, fair trade and shade-grown beans in order to offer our customers only the highest-quality brew possible. Our mission is to strengthen communities while offering sustainable lifestyle options; so enjoy sampling some of our flavored offerings but always read labels before purchasing!