Acidic coffee beverages can often cause gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). But caffeine alone won’t do the trick – roasting and preparation methods of coffee beans themselves may also play a part in creating acid reflux symptoms in some people with GERD. But there are ways you can still enjoy low acid coffee if you suffer from GERD!

Decaf coffee offers an alternative with lower acid levels; thanks to decaffeination. Decaf beans are immersed in water before being steamed and sifted; this process removes most of its acidity while leaving behind only flavor and natural oils.

Decaf coffee can be an ideal solution to help soothe heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, including lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction which allows stomach acid back into the esophagus through its lower esophageal sphincter – this valve should keep stomach acid inside where it belongs!

When the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) relaxes, stomach acid can enter the esophagus and irritate its lining, leading to heartburn symptoms. Certain foods, including chocolate, alcohol, onions and fried food can trigger this condition – one cup or two of coffee may help, although for people prone to acid reflux it would be wiser to limit consumption to this amount in a single sitting.