Turkey tail mushroom tea is a top immune booster. Alongside other remedies like reishi, cordyceps and chaga, it offers amazing health benefits.

Add turkey tail mushroom powder or dried mushrooms to boiling water and let simmer for one hour, before enjoying your tea! Feel free to experiment by adding ingredients such as lavender for a calming experience or green tea for something more stimulating.

Immune System Support

Turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) are one of nature’s most effective immune system boosters. Found worldwide on stumps and logs in forests, these powerful fungal allies contain essential immune-supportive compounds like polysaccharide peptide (PSP) and polysaccharide krestin (PSK), which strengthen healthy cells while strengthening natural defense mechanisms against oxidative stress that could harm them.

Traditionarily, this mushroom has long been used in various cultures for its immune-enhancing benefits, while recent research indicates it may help combat some viruses while improving gut health. These positive results are likely attributable to its high content of beta-glucans – substances known to promote growth of good bacteria within the digestive tract and improve overall gut wellbeing.

These antioxidants, including phenols and flavonoids, possess powerful immune-supportive properties. They reduce oxidative stress by flushing away harmful free radicals that damage cell and tissue structures in your body, and they support production of molecules which protect cells against further oxidative stress.

Turkey tail mushroom extracts may also help those looking to reduce sports fatigue and improve athletic performance, according to studies that demonstrate their effectiveness. PSP can inhibit certain enzymes found in liver tissue which have anti-fatigue effects; studies indicate its usefulness against fatigue effects.

Turkey Tail Mushroom can also aid cancer treatments by stimulating immune cells and suppressing cancerous ones, helping the immune system function more effectively while counteracting any immunosuppression caused by chemotherapy treatments. Clinical studies have even demonstrated its potential to enhance traditional chemotherapy treatment’s effect at shrinking tumor size.

Although turkey tail mushrooms possess powerful immune-enhancing effects, they should not be seen as a replacement for leading a balanced lifestyle that includes diet, exercise, sleep and stress management – this will allow your immune system to fight any potential threats in order to maintain optimal function and defend itself against them.


Health-minded people seek to maximize their wellbeing through supplements, workouts, and whole foods – but one ingredient often goes unseen when it comes to increasing immunity and improving overall wellbeing: turkey tail mushrooms.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) tea is an incredible antioxidant, providing your immune system with a boost by activating natural defense mechanisms in your body. Beta-glucans and polysaccharides found in this mushroom naturally boost immune cells so they can fight foreign invaders or any health conditions, as well as reduce oxidative stress by fighting free radicals that may damage them in other ways.

Turkey Tail tea contains anti-inflammatory properties to ease excessive inflammation and support a balanced gut microbiome, essential to developing strong immunity systems as it promotes beneficial bacteria while decreasing harmful ones.

Turkey Tail tea contains an exclusive combination of healthy compounds to promote immune function by activating special immune cells that target and destroy tumors, known as natural killer (NK) cells and T-lymphocytes, according to research studies. Research shows that these specialized immune cells can effectively fight cancerous cells more effectively than conventional treatments alone.

Turkey tail mushrooms not only offer immune-enhancing properties, but their phenolic compounds and flavonoids also work to slow tumor growth and protect against cancer cell mutations. Furthermore, polysaccharides found in turkey tail help create an optimal environment for immune cells by activating their production and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokine production.

Turkish Tail tea’s synergy of immunomodulatory effects and antioxidant benefits makes it an effective natural remedy, and Om mushroom products have quickly become widely popular. Available as convenient capsules or loose powder for adding into beverages like tea, coffee or smoothies – our functional mushroom products provide a powerful dose of health-promoting nutrients easily integrated into everyday lifestyles.


Turkey tail mushrooms are powerful anti-inflammatories, helping to boost immunity and combat stress. Furthermore, they have been found to relieve indigestion, improve sleep quality, support liver health and digestive tract health as well as protect from oxidative stress, helping decrease DNA damage while slowing the aging process.

While turkey tail mushrooms are widely recognized medicinal mushrooms, research primarily centers on two components – Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) and Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP). Both of these compounds work to stimulate immune cells that strengthen our defenses against pathogens like cold/flu viruses as well as cancerous tumors; in addition, they increase antibody production which neutralize harmful bacteria in the digestive tract.

Additionally, research indicates that PSP can prevent fatty liver disease and lower high cholesterol levels among patients living with hepatitis C, while also helping athletes reduce sports fatigue due to improved oxygen uptake into blood and cell metabolism enhancement. It may even help alleviate some side effects associated with chemotherapy treatments such as nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.

For optimal results, select a tea made of pure, raw, organic mushrooms sourced either fresh or dried turkey tail mushrooms sourced directly from health food stores or online vendors. Whenever possible, opt for dual extracted tea as this process uses both water and alcohol extraction methods to extract all beneficial components present within mushrooms.

When ready, bring water to a boil in a teapot or kettle before adding your powdered mushroom mix and steep for five minutes or longer as desired before straining and enjoying! Your tea may be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated after making to preserve its potency; or you could heat up and add honey or maple syrup for additional rich flavoring options. It is highly recommended to drink your tea every day to achieve maximum benefits!

Weight Loss

Traditional Chinese medicine uses turkey tail mushrooms to strengthen immunity and support healthy blood pressure levels, as well as to detoxify and reduce inflammation within the body. They also contain many antioxidants which detoxify and help detoxify, plus there may be potential cancer-fighting agents within their extracts which have even been studied by the FDA in treating cancer patients alongside chemotherapy treatment plans.

Turkey tail mushrooms contain antioxidants with both phenolic and flavonoid antioxidants that may support immune health by decreasing oxidative stress and stimulating production of protective compounds. They may also improve athletic performance by decreasing sports fatigue. One study demonstrated this by showing consumption of turkey tail extract increased strength and endurance as well as decreased blood sugar levels before and after physical activity.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms have another important function of aiding gut health: their PSP component serves as a prebiotic, helping the growth of beneficial bacteria within your gut microbiome – which in turn are responsible for digestive health and immunity benefits.

Research demonstrates that when your gut microbiome is healthy and balanced, it helps support your immune system by providing essential protection from infections and diseases that could negatively impact your wellbeing. When this is true for you, overall you’ll feel better overall! The healthier your microbiome, the more comfortable you’ll feel.

This earthy, mildly bitter tea is traditionally prepared by steeping dehydrated turkey tail mushrooms in hot water for several minutes, softening and loosening their cell walls, making them more bioavailable to your body. Furthermore, this process enhances absorption of its beta-glucans and other vital nutrients from within the fungus itself.

Although this herbal remedy can be enjoyed in various forms, the most popular ways are as a supplement or tea. Capsules and supplements provide easy doses while tinctures or extracts provide more potency of this healing herb’s beneficial properties. Powder forms also make this supplement easy to incorporate into recipes or beverages.