One of the most frequently asked questions about coffee filters is if they are acid free. While most filters should be free from acidity, small amounts may still remain; these amounts won’t harm or pose health concerns to your body or mind. Acidity comes from hydrocarbons released when your beans are roasted that get dissolved into water through drinking coffee.

If the acidity in your coffee has you concerned, consider brewing with water that has a higher pH level to decrease hydrogen ion presence in your brew and also use a lower water temperature to minimize extraction of acids from coffee grounds.

Bleached coffee filters tend to be more affordable, yet can have an adverse impact on the flavor of your beverage. Unbleached filters, made of natural paper that has not been bleached, may seem less visually appealing; however they’re actually more sustainable and better for the environment – plus, these biodegradable filters make composting your garden or plants an organic experience!

Some people opt for reusable cloth or metal filters in lieu of traditional paper filters to reduce waste and environmental impacts. These filters are widely available and can be washed and reused over multiple brewing sessions; additional setup effort may be required, but the end results can be very rewarding when there is zero paper waste!