organo gold cafe latte para que sirve

Organo Gold‘s Gourmet Latte Coffee Grain is an exceptional premium grade blend featuring Ganoderma. Ganoderma is a perennial Chinese medicinal fungus used in Eastern cultures for millenia as natural medicine.

Organo(tm) Gourmet Coffee comes in an instantaneous grano format that’s easy to mix, and also contains Ganoderma lucidum powder for optimal health benefits.


Organo’s Cafe Latte Premium Gourmet Organico is an irresistibly tasty combination of robust and creamy espresso coffee. Made with our finest arabica coffee grains and organic hormigon from Hong Kong used for generations for their immunological benefits, the powder of Ganoderma lucidum organic powder combines naturally occurring antioxidant concentrations to produce this delectable beverage that will leave your body more secure against impending illness and disease.

Hedgehogs often have thick covers that make digestion difficult, making it harder for their bodies to process them. There are however companies who utilize patented processes for breaking up these tough shells in an easier and gentler manner; ORGANO uses one such process patented process for breaking it up gently so as to release both their power and nutrition from their potent seeds.

Organo, established as Organo Gold in 2008, has dedicated itself to spreading the benefits of natural soil nutrients worldwide through their high quality daily use products that support increased energy and healthy lifestyle choices.

Cafe Negro Organo Gold is made solely from all-natural and premium-quality ingredients. Every ingredient used is 100 percent natural; there are no contaminants whatsoever present. They come directly from plants or natural origin. Inulina and olive oils used are 100% vegetarian/vegan friendly!

Health Benefits

Organo Gold Latte with Ganoderma is an instantaneous coffee beverage with all the benefits associated with instant beverages. The distinct and pleasant taste features Ganoderma lucidum, an ingredient used in Asian traditional culture for millennia. Hingo contains properties and benefits for health that bring many sntomas and benefits. Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Reishi red in traditional Asian culture, has long been used as a health supplement. It offers several benefits, such as strengthening immunity and improving cardiovascular health. This premium product contains two grams of fiber to aid with digestive function and lower cholesterol levels while also offering essential vitamins and minerals such as C, Riboflavin, Selenium Potassium Copper – along with various antioxidants which are great for your wellbeing.

Experience delicious cafe tpico in mere seconds with Organo’s Cafe Gourmet. Connoisseurs will appreciate its robust yet smooth flavor enriched with Ganoderma lucidum – sure to awaken and invigorate any day! Enjoy this luscious and indulgent beverage today and start the day right.

Apart from its delicious taste, this beverage also provides many health advantages. Packed with antioxidants that have been shown to strengthen immunity and energy levels, as well as being beneficial for heart health and may prevent diabetes; additionally it may protect liver damage as it contains anti-inflammatory properties; making it an excellent option for anyone wanting a boost of energy without experiencing caffeine side effects.

This coffee is handcrafted using only premium grade arabica and robusta beans, combined with an exotic combination of herbs and mushrooms to produce a premium gourmet beverage. Ganoderma lucidum, an ancient Asian medicinal fungus that has long been revered, features as part of this mix along with ginseng (another popular herbal ingredient) and Eurycoma longifolia Jack (tongkat ali), known for its natural aphrodisiac properties.

Side Effects

ORGANO(tm) Gourmet Coffee is the ideal combination of premium quality Ganoderma and coffee, creating a special beverage suitable to be taken at any point during the day. Contained within each bottle are natural ingredients such as honey for sweetness, guarana seeds and Ganoderma grains – no additional equipment or tools are needed to prepare this essential daily cup of java!

Light and creamy coffee comes packed with the benefits of ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum organica and Eurycoma longifolia Jack for enhanced immune support. This beverage is healthy, creamy and tasty – providing your immune system with energy to strengthen itself!

ORGANO(tm) Cafe Supreme is made with premium Arabica coffee grains of highest quality and Ganoderma lucidum powder mixed in with sugar and cream for an exquisite coffee-drinking experience. This distinctive flavour and delightful experience make ORGANO’s Coffee Supreme the highlight of all Ganoderma-enrich products available today.

At Cafe Supremo, your daily beverage becomes an aid in improving your health. In reality, this healthy coffee drink caters to adults as well as children alike.

Strengthening your immune system with food can help strengthen it further and protect you against obesity, cancer and some cardiovascular disorders – something no other substance can achieve as efficiently.

ORGANO(tm) products feature an impressive array of ingredients and technical properties designed to deliver an enjoyable coffee-drinking experience to all users.

ORGANO(tm) products have been carefully selected to be easy and affordable to you, while still meeting all of your health-focused requirements. You’re able to purchase it and have it arrive quickly at home, or buy for your partner via the mail using letterwriting as many merchants are ready and waiting to sell you this product. No other option exists easier for creating the ideal cup of coffee; our comerciants also stand ready to sell this great alternative to generic store-bought cups as we always urge for healthier workplace beverages! Don’t take our word for granted when it comes to healthful work drinks at work!


Cafe Gourmet enrichido con Ganoderma is an exceptional product made of the highest-grade arabica and robusta coffee beans combined with Ganoderma for an invigorating beverage that will boost energy without leaving you jittery from caffeine. Furthermore, this tasty beverage helps improve blood circulation while simultaneously alleviating stress levels.

This delectable latte is prepared using only top quality arabica and robusta coffee beans combined with organic Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms for an irresistibly delicious drink! With multiple flavor options to suit everyone, its affordable price makes this beverage an accessible solution to experience its healthful benefits.

El Rey del Cafe Organico Gourmet Premium Organo(tm) from Brazil is an organic medium dark roast coffee featuring Ganoderma lucidum powder spores to maximize health benefits and lend the cup an irresistibly delicate scent with its algodonico scent and cottony body. This exceptional coffee stands out as both soft and distinct while adding an exquisite softness with every sip you take from it!

Ganoderma Gourmet Premium Organo(tm) gives this black coffee an extra kick. He adds Ganoderma lucidum granules directly into his coffee cup and mixes them instantly – creating an aroma- and taste-filled black coffee experience that is loved around the globe.