Can I Add Reishi Mushroom Powder to My Coffee?
Reishi mushroom is a powerful adaptogen that can help the body adapt to stress, build resistance, and support immune system activity. Furthermore, Reishi is also a potency brain health nutrient which may reduce anxiety while improving memory, cognition, and mood.
Reishi is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory recipes, pairing beautifully with chocolate and coffee flavors, making it the ideal ingredient to combine in delicious drinks that combine these elements. Try adding Reishi powder into hot cocoa or your morning smoothie recipe; or use it to spice up mocha lattes and vegan coconut coffee!
Integrating functional mushrooms into your daily diet is an easy and cost-effective way to increase complex B vitamins, fiber, and antioxidant intake. They contain various essential vitamins and minerals like niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and polysaccharides called mannans that aid digestion, in addition to being packed full of anti-inflammatory and immune boosting compounds like polyphenols, carotenoids and beta glucans which have numerous health benefits.
Reishi contains triterpenes and other phytochemicals thought to help protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, Reishi has been reported as helping boost energy levels, increase physical endurance and combat fatigue.
When buying reishi mushroom powder, select one made from fruiting body mushrooms rather than mycelium grown on grain, as this process can dilute active constituents such as beta-glucans and triterpenes that provide health benefits. A recent study published in Nature revealed that 74% were counterfeit; 68% contained starch-like polysaccharides without health advantages comparable to real products.