Coffee is one of the world’s most beloved beverages, providing us with instant energy boost that keeps us alert throughout the day and also has health benefits such as lower risks of Parkinson’s disease, liver cirrhosis and depression. Yet many are unaware of the farming practices used to produce our morning cup o’ joe, which makes organic coffee selection so crucial for our wellbeing, the environment and the farmers responsible.

Organic coffee is made from beans grown without pesticides, herbicides or fungicides used during their growth process, as well as being free of genetically modified ingredients and artificial fertilizers. Organically-grown beans offer maximum flavorful satisfaction in every cup o’ joe!

Conventionally grown coffee trees are covered with chemicals containing pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides known to cause cancer, reproductive issues, nervous system damage in humans over time. When drinking conventional coffee, those chemicals enter your body via fat cells; with organic coffee this risk is eliminated altogether as its roasting process burns them off before entering your system as food.

Chemicals used on non-organic coffee plants seep into the soil and water supply, contaminating these sources before being consumed by farmers harvesting these coffee plants – which in turn expose them to health issues. Organic crops use natural methods, including composting to minimize waste production while also limiting chemical spillover into nearby environments.

Organic farmers are also more environmentally-friendly than their conventional counterparts. Non-organic growers rely on chemical pesticides and man-made chemical fertilizers which pollute the environment; while organic coffee farms preserve natural ecosystems around them to ensure sustainable practices that promote sustainability as well as preservation of unique species.

Coffee is packed with antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress and protect against diseases and conditions like heart disease, dementia and certain forms of cancer. Organically grown coffee provides your body with essential antioxidants needed to stay healthy.

Are You an Avid Coffee Drinker? Switching to organic coffee should be top priority – both because of its delicious taste and ecological benefits, as well as supporting local farmers that practice sustainable farming methods such as Equal Exchange. By supporting their efforts through purchasing organic products more people will encourage this practice in their farming practices, positively impacting both world and people living within it. So Can I Drink Organic Coffee? Absolutely, as long as it comes from a reliable source.