Pregnancy can be an exciting time, yet also comes with many questions and uncertainties for mothers-to-be. Many wonder whether or not they can still indulge in their favorite treats – like coffee and other caffeinated beverages – while expecting.

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy is generally safe in small quantities; however, too much caffeine consumption could prove harmful for both mother and baby. A general guideline of no more than 200 milligrams per day – roughly equivalent to one cup of decaf coffee brewed every day – should suffice. Note: Since different brews contain differing levels of caffeine content, do your research before selecting one specifically tailored towards you.

Some brews contain chemicals known to be unsafe during pregnancy, like methylene chloride. This carcinogen has been linked with certain cancers in pregnant and elderly individuals as well as being used in European-style decaffeination methods; environmental health advocacy groups are pushing the FDA to ban its use in decaf coffee production.

Beyond its possible risks to the fetus, high caffeine intake can cause nausea and fatigue for expecting mothers. It may lead to jitters or an increase in heart rate and increase stress levels; at its worst, caffeine could even lead to miscarriage or preterm labor. It’s best to limit caffeine consumption to the lower end of the scale; if necessary, consume additional cups after feeding your little one.

Before becoming pregnant, it is wise to gradually decrease your caffeine consumption as stopping cold turkey may result in headaches and cause you to feel crankier than usual. Furthermore, coffee or any caffeinated beverage should be avoided prior to receiving a gestational diabetes screening test because this could produce false positives on the test.

If you decide to consume coffee while pregnant, be sure to do it after each morning feeding rather than prior; this can help avoid stomach upset that could impact on the unborn. For even less acidity try sipping decaf espresso or lattes or switching up with herbal options like dandelion root tea brewed especially for pregnancy!

Be sure to opt for whole-grain, low-sugar coffee whenever possible; this will reduce your sugar consumption and help maintain a healthy weight during gestation. Don’t forget to add fat-containing foods such as peanut butter for better fetus nutrition absorption! Lastly, remember to drink lots of water as well so as to stay hydrated and energized throughout.