People living with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), acid indigestion can often be an uncomfortable and distressful reality. This is caused by a weakening lower esophageal sphincter allowing stomach acid to flow back up the esophagus, leading to inflammation and even throat damage. Heartburn is another symptom, often caused by foods and beverages like citrus fruits, tomatoes, carbonated beverages or caffeinated coffee – though there are ways around these triggers without experiencing heartburn!

One solution for GERD may be drinking low acid decaf coffee. This variant contains less acidity than regular brewed coffee and decaffeination removes caffeine that irritates stomach. However, it should be noted that this form of coffee still contains acids so is not an ideal remedy.

Additional solutions to help with acid indigestion include adding milk or cream to coffee in order to decrease its acidity, though adding these items could trigger negative side-effects in other individuals.

Food diaries can help you identify which foods and beverages trigger your symptoms, so that you can avoid them. While the jury is still out on whether caffeine causes acid reflux directly, its relaxing effects seem to aggravate GERD symptoms more so than any possible effect of caffeine itself. It should also be noted that other chemicals in coffee like chlorogenic acids contribute significantly more than caffeine to its acidity.