Chaga mushrooms have been around for millennia, yet recently their tea is enjoying an explosion in popularity. Chaga tea can help boost immunity, improve digestion and alleviate stress.

This unique beverage stands out with its powerful antioxidant content, which promotes optimal liver function, increases energy levels and strengthens resistance against stress.

The Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms

Since ancient times, people around the globe have used mushrooms for both culinary and medicinal uses. More recently, modern science is rediscovering these medicinal benefits of mushrooms. Chaga mushroom (Cinder Conk or Inonotus obliquus), is an edible, non-toxic fungus found on Birch trees in cold climates; although its surface may resemble burnt charcoal it contains powerful nutrients and antioxidants which keep our bodies functioning optimally.

Chaga tea is an effective way to reap all the benefits of this amazing superfood, including fighting cancer and increasing metabolism and energy levels. Antioxidants contained in Chaga can neutralize free radicals that lead to oxidative stress; beta D glucans help white blood cells quickly identify infections; while anti-inflammatory polysaccharides like inotodial and ergosterol peroxide provide anti-inflammatory support and betulinic acid is present (which comes from birch wood).

Chaga tea is an incredible source of calcium, silicon, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium phosphorus and sulfur. One cup can provide more potassium than an entire banana and more rubidium than green tea! In Petri dishes it was even shown to kill cancer cells; thus making chaga an attractive therapy option for hepatocellular carcinoma patients.

Chaga can make an excellent addition to a healthy diet and is generally safe for most individuals, however those with bleeding disorders should avoid its consumption. Because chaga may stimulate immune activity, it should not be consumed by individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis or taking blood thinners; pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised against its consumption as it could potentially have adverse reactions on their immune systems.

Interested in adding Chaga Mushroom Tincture to your tea collection? Try our Wild-Harvested Chaga Mushroom Tincture, made using 100% mushroom fruiting bodies extracted using our dual extraction method for maximum benefits. Just add two droppers into hot water, and enjoy!

How to Make Chaga Mushroom Tea

Chaga mushroom tea has quickly become an immensely popular beverage due to its health benefits. It is well known for treating cold symptoms, reducing inflammation, boosting energy levels and even fighting cancer! Plus it’s simple and tasty like regular black tea; perfect if you want something different! If you want something new to try this should definitely be on your list!

There are two main methods for making Chaga Tea. The easiest and cheapest is with Chaga Extract Powder; this provides quick results. Alternatively, Chaga Tincture may take slightly longer but has greater long-term health benefits. Both methods should be combined together for maximum success when drinking Chaga tea for optimal health benefits.

If using a chunk of chaga, place it in a jar filled with alcohol to extract its water-soluble nutrients and leave for at least a month, shaking occasionally until its straining process has finished. From there you can use it to make mushroom tea.

As soon as your chaga has been selected for production, inspect its surface for impurities such as impurities such as bugs or pollen that may have embedded themselves within it. Once this step is completed, cut away any unwanted parts using either a foraging knife or brush back of an Opinel knife. Next step should be grinding chunks down into smaller pieces using either a meat grinder or hammer; this will help them produce more coffee-like brew when cooked.

Once your chaga chunks have been chopped into smaller pieces, dry them on a warm and dry surface – this may take several days – so when they are fully dry you are ready to create your chaga mushroom tea!

Based on the quality of chaga, tea brewed from it may have an earthy and woodsy flavor that’s quite strong, often thick and dark in consistency with bitter notes. Therefore, adding honey or sugar will make this drink more accessible to most people.


Chaga mushroom has long been considered a superfood that can boost immunity, promote overall health, and even slow the aging process. Consumed as tea, supplement capsules or even in tincture form, this unique mushroom can aid in fighting off many different conditions and diseases – including cancer! One popular way of taking advantage of its benefits is drinking chaga mushroom tea.

Chaga tea is prepared by boiling or simmering dried chaga pieces in hot water for an extended period. It resembles coffee in taste but contains less caffeine and more medicinal benefits. When creating your drink, using only top quality ingredients is key to getting maximum benefit out of each sip; optimal results should come after at least an hour steeping time or for even stronger flavors some prefer simmering it up to 8 hours!

When making chaga mushroom tea, selecting the appropriate ingredients is of utmost importance. To achieve maximum benefit and reap all its rewards, we suggest using high-grade extract powder such as the Real Mushrooms Sacred 7 Chaga Tea which uses hot water extraction method to capture more of its bioactive compounds found within chaga mushrooms.

As well as using the Sacred 7 blend, you’ll also want to add something sweet like honey, agave nectar, maple syrup or another natural sweetener for an additional punch of flavor in your tea brew. All these options work well when creating delicious cups of Chaga tea!

Before beginning to make chaga tea, it’s advisable to consult your physician in order to ascertain its suitability for you. This is particularly important if you have any medical conditions or are taking medications containing Chaga mushroom; these interactions could potentially have side effects and should always be treated as potentially serious risks.

Chaga tea should also be avoided by people suffering from any autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus, since its consumption can make their immune systems more active, leading to further symptoms in those who already suffer from such disorders. Furthermore, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised against drinking it.


Proper storage of Chaga can help preserve its healing properties. It’s crucial that suppliers prioritize product integrity by only offering Chaga that has been properly stored and prepared before selling to their clients.

As part of this endeavor, it is imperative that your chaga has been dried properly prior to sale. Chaga absorbs moisture easily, so in order for it to retain all its health-supportive qualities it should be completely dried out and brittle to the touch before being used in any health support applications. Chaga chunks or powder should be stored in a dark cool environment in an airtight container.

An exquisite chaga mushroom tea will last in the refrigerator for several days and be steeped up to five times for maximum enjoyment, provided it retains a rich coffee-like color. Chaga can even be frozen between brews – it will thaw quickly when added cold water.

To make Chaga tea, begin by simmering chopped up fungus for an hour in a pot. The longer the timer runs, the stronger your brew will be. Feel free to sweeten with raw honey or maple syrup if desired and then sip and enjoy!

If you don’t have time to prepare a whole batch of tea, single servings of chaga can be quickly reheated in the microwave. Just be sure to remove it before it begins bubbling to avoid overheating it and losing its benefits.

As with any food item, brewing only what will be consumed within a day of production is key as chaga can go rancid if left for too long. This is especially important with wild varieties not harvested by professionals as these may contain environmental toxins that have leached into them from their surroundings. For any questions or issues with any chaga product in your possession it’s always a good idea to seek professional advice; the best suppliers want their customers to achieve their health goals so will only offer premium ingredients as recommended ingredients; if not satisfied then search out another supplier