Coffee may be best known for being an energy booster, but its many other applications extend far beyond this use. One such use is coffee enemas – an alternative cleansing process which involves inserting a solution consisting of brewed coffee and purified water through your anus into your colon through an anus catheter. Once popular as a remedy for colon discomfort and widespread usage dates back to 1800s.

Home enema treatment requires purchasing an enema kit from health stores online or offline; you will also require a syringe and plastic enema tube. Coffee enema kits may also be found at holistic wellness clinics or doctor offices that specialize in colonic hydrotherapy treatments.

Coffee will stimulate your colon and bowels, increasing peristalsis – the motion in your colon that helps move things through – as well as stimulating the liver, helping your body release toxins including heavy metals. Furthermore, research suggests it could even help eliminate parasites like nematodes and protozoa that attach themselves to gut linings to steal away vital nutrients.

At best, an enema should be practiced in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum effectiveness. Though caffeine consumption will likely be minimal with this method of colon detoxification, some individuals may still feel wired or jittery afterward and should switch up their strategy of colon cleansing accordingly.

Beginners should start off slowly and gradually increase to two cups as tolerated. When purchasing S.A Wilsons Gold Roast enema coffee, choose high-quality organic varieties which contain more caffeine and palmitic acid to aid liver detoxification.

Once your coffee has cooled to room temperature, allow it to set before pouring it into a syringe or an enema bag of your kit. Be sure to clear away all air bubbles before inserting it into your rectum in order to minimize leakage or spillage risks.

As with any enema treatment, lying down is key when conducting a coffee enema. As it may take several minutes for the solution to reach its destination in your colon and rectum, don’t rush! Focusing on breathing deeply while relaxing will help ensure a more relaxing experience if cramping occurs; light tummy massage may even relieve it!

Once an enema has been administered, it’s best to spend some time in the bathroom to release and flush away its contents and cleanse your colon. Drink some water or fresh vegetable juice – or even cleansing tea afterwards! Rinsing out syringe, tube and plastic tip is also recommended before washing with warm water to disinfect.