Does Organic Coffee Cause Inflammation?
At some point or another, most of us have experienced the sensation that something consumed causes immediate discomfort within the body – be it stomachache, brain fogginess or skin rashes – often as the result of food or environmental toxins causing inflammation. Such inflammation is also responsible for low energy, poor gut health and weight gain.
Consuming foods high in sugar, gluten, dairy and processed coffee are one of the primary causes of inflammation in our bodies. Consuming such items may trigger an immune response in our systems that manifests as symptoms such as rashing, stomachache, indigestion, joint and muscle aches fatigue etc. Alisa Vitti from FLO Living discusses their impact in relation to our inflammatory response in detail.
Even though some individuals may be sensitive to caffeine, most can safely enjoy coffee without risk. Coffee provides numerous antioxidants and energy boosts; its contents include chlorogenic acids which have anti-inflammatory properties as well as melanoidins and quercetin for enhanced benefits.
Finding the appropriate coffee variety for you is the key to successfully tolerating it. Opt for high-quality, organically produced beans free of mold, mycotoxins and pesticides so as to minimize histamine reactions or inflammation within your body.
There are various varieties of coffee available, but for histamine and mast cell issues, one of the best choices would be Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee in either Regular, Half Caff or Decaf form. Since these coffees are roasted longer with reduced acid levels they will not cause histamine release or inflammation in your body – we suggest trying Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee as either fully caffeinated Regular, Half Caff or Decaf depending on your caffeine needs.
Not many people realize this but histamine in coffee comes from DAO enzyme-blocking properties of caffeine rather than from methylxanthines, so certain coffee varieties may cause histamine intolerance while others don’t.
However, if you are experiencing an allergic reaction to coffee, it could be caused by herbicides and pesticides rather than its DAO enzyme-blocking effects. If certain types of coffee trigger an adverse reaction in you but others do not, that may indicate you’re sensitive to certain chemicals present; try switching to organically grown, low acid coffee to see if your symptoms improve.