does organic instant coffee contain acrylamide

Acrylamide is an organic byproduct of various food reactions at elevated temperatures, such as the Maillard reaction found in French Fries, Potato Chips and Bread Products as well as Coffee Cocoa Beverages and Toasted Nuts. Laboratory animals have reported this chemical to be carcinogenic – leading California to require warning labels on all products with trace amounts of this chemical.

Unfortunately, chemical tests on humans can be challenging; researchers rely on animal models instead. Laboratory research on acrylamide has demonstrated it can cause mutations of cells and nervous tissue degeneration; however, ingestion of small amounts likely won’t lead to such issues; eating a wide range of foods to limit your exposure.

At its core, however, brewed coffee contains relatively minimal levels of acrylamide that should cause any concern when it comes to your health. According to FDA estimates, one cup of brewed coffee contains 7.8 micrograms compared with 15 times less in french fries and 77 times lower than instant re-heated coffee (see figure).

If you are worried about acrylamide in your coffee, organic, cold-pressed, shade-grown beans that have been exposed to less chemicals may be more healthy alternatives. Regular roasted or ground coffee could also provide greater protection from exposure.

Clean Label Project, a Denver-based nonprofit dedicated to health and transparency in labeling, recently conducted an analysis on coffee from nine popular off-the-shelf brands such as Starbucks, Peet’s, Dunkin Donuts and Caribou coffee samples purchased off of stores nationwide and sent for analysis by Ellipse Analytics – third-party analytical chemistry lab – which revealed undetectable levels of acrylamide in them.

Results revealed that all nine coffee brands tested had undetectable levels of acrylamide, with Cafe Altura selling organic instant coffee having the lowest level. Their product combines both soluble and non-soluble instant coffee types for easy consumption, and are certified USDA Organic, Kosher, and fair trade certified as well.

Organic instant coffee does not contain acrylamide, yet still provides caffeine and essential nutrients that are good for you. You can find it at your local grocery store or online, though Whole Foods also sells an organic instant coffee that meets fair trade, non-GMO, and kosher standards – there’s no evidence suggesting one type is safer or worse for health than another; simply read and choose quality products!