Does Reishi Added to Coffee Make You Sleepy?
Reishi mushrooms, commonly referred to in Traditional Chinese Medicine as the “mushroom of immortality”, are widely recognized for their health-boosting benefits, including strengthening immunity, managing stress levels and improving sleep. Reishi contains polysaccharides and triterpenoids which boost cellular function for healing and regeneration purposes.
A 2021 mouse study demonstrated the effects of Reishi extracts on cortisol levels, improving non-REM sleep quality while lengthening REM cycles. Reishi’s sedative properties make it useful in treating insomniacs or people experiencing chronic fatigue.
Reishi is widely recognized for its ability to reduce blood sugar and boost melatonin production – both essential components for managing sleep-wake cycles. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties make reishi an effective tool against signs of aging while providing balance in energy.
Reishi in coffee has been shown to help the body relax and enter a natural, healthy sleep cycle, improving both REM and non-REM sleep quality. Reishi’s sedative and hypnotic compounds assist with sleeping while simultaneously inducing calmness and relaxation.
Reishi coffee products range from coffee substitutes and superfood hot cocoas, to superfood versions like Reishi Roast. Some include dried reishi alongside other herbs and spices while others use liquid extracts that take less time to brew. Its popularity among customers makes Reishi Roast a hit among many.
Reishi is an herbal dietary supplement unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so product strength and formulation may differ significantly between brands. Finding your preferred blend can be important since some contain caffeine. Be sure to read labels, check ingredients before purchasing and follow recommended dosage. Also keep in mind that Reishi may interact with certain medications – so before taking Reishi be sure to discuss this with your physician first if taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs.