Our delectable and exclusive formula of coffee latte and black coffee featuring Ganoderma extracts of premium quality as well as other natural ingredients delivers both taste and vitality in every sip, all at the same time. Packed with thousands of beneficial properties that support and strengthen immune systems, alleviate anxiety, improve memory function and brain power as well as aiding weight loss, our exclusive coffee offers the ideal balance of taste and vitality in just one cup!


Ganoderma Coffee is an innovative drink combining instant coffee with powdered extract of Reishi mushroom (Lingzhi or reishi). This combination offers an energy boost while encouraging healthy sleep patterns. Furthermore, Ganoderma coffee helps strengthen immunity, combat stress and anxiety, aid weight loss efforts and ease depression symptoms. Reishi mushroom contains bioactive compounds useful in treating various health conditions while simultaneously improving overall wellness.

Reishi can bring many benefits, so the easiest way to access them is to incorporate it into your daily diet. When selecting a product made from reishi mushrooms it is important to select the appropriate kind – made from fruit body and mycelial biomass for maximum effectiveness and potency; free from environmental toxins (mushrooms are known bioaccumulators, thus taking in pollution through their cultivation); grown on an organic substrate using purified water and air; etc.

Our delectable and exclusive formula of coffee with milk and black coffee combined with Ganoderma extract and other natural ingredients provides a deliciously refreshing drink packed with intense health benefits all in one cup – no other beverage has managed to match its nutritional value!

Dissolve one sachet into 180ml (2/3 cup) of hot water, stir, and serve. Enjoy it hot or add ice for a refreshing cold drink! Ganoderma coffee contains antioxidants which help lower high blood pressure and improve circulation, antiviral agents against herpes, hepatitis and colds, anti-inflammatories to reduce inflammation, anti-aging properties to combat celluar aging so you stay younger longer, aphrodisiac properties to enhance sexual performance while its calming effects help relieve insomnia and reduce stress while simultaneously improving memory and mental clarity – making Ganoderma coffee an ideal solution for anyone wanting to live healthier lifestyle!


Ganoderma coffee is an instant coffee beverage mixed with powdered extract from Reishi mushrooms, often seen as an alternative to regular coffee. Ganoderma Coffee may help improve energy levels, reduce stress levels, promote gut health and alleviate anxiety disorders symptoms; in addition to keeping brain oxygen levels up so as to promote alertness and sharpness as well as sleep quality improvement and soothe frayed nerves. Reishi mushrooms possess numerous therapeutic properties making this drink mix a wise choice.

Reishi coffee comes in many forms, such as instant or pre-mixed sachets with pre-measured quantities of ground beans mixed together; other products contain capsules containing pure reishi extract. You can find these products online from multiple vendors; when shopping for this beverage, search for vendors offering premium grade beans and premium grade extracts; avoid products containing fillers such as sugar.

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Reishi or Lingzhi mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine, is an edible mushroom rich in polysaccharides, triterpenes and fatty acids with anti-oxidant properties that may relieve fatigue, enhance restful sleep quality, boost immune system performance and combat cancer.

This fungus also contains beneficial compounds which may reduce blood pressure, prevent cholesterol buildup and protect liver health. Furthermore, its antiviral properties help fight herpes, hepatitis and colds as well.

Reishi mushrooms offer numerous health advantages. From supporting and improving immune function, relieving anxiety, improving memory, brain function and helping lose weight – to protecting against heart disease, depression and insomnia; Reishi is an ancient fungus with incredible medicinal uses ranging from treating tumors and fighting the spread of cancer, stimulating new cell growth and speeding healing wounds.


Ganoderma coffee is an easy, tasty way to get your daily dose of Reishi without taking mushroom supplements. Enjoy this delectable beverage made of coffee, Reishi powder and other natural ingredients that may help boost energy levels, immune functions and even sleep quality.

Reishi mushrooms, also referred to as red reishi or lingzhi, are an indispensable part of traditional Chinese medicine. Proven to have anti-inflammatory properties and used in treating various health conditions ranging from cancer to fatigue and memory retention issues, Reishi can boost immunity, decrease fatigue and enhance memory retention while simultaneously improving stamina levels, blood circulation and lowering cholesterol.

Bee pollen is an extremely potent antioxidant and has been linked with numerous health benefits. It is an excellent source of beta-glucans, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and boost natural immune response; they may also reduce symptoms associated with aging like dry skin and fine lines, boost collagen and elastin production and even reduce symptoms related to dry skin aging.

Reishi can be beneficial to both your physical and mental wellbeing, helping you lead a longer, happier and healthier life. Reishi may help prevent cancer, ease side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, reduce inflammation, improve mood and help stay focused.

For optimal reishi benefits, it is best to consume it in its purest form – one formulated using high-grade ingredients and created in accordance with responsible cultivation practices without using chemicals in their products. When selecting your supplement provider, ensure it uses fruit body and mycelial biomass extracts, fruit bodies and fruit bodies combined together so as to include all active compounds found within mushrooms. Furthermore, opt for companies who practice responsible cultivation without resorting to using any harmful chemicals in their products.

Ganoderma Reishi Coffee can be purchased both online and in stores offering natural health products. Crafted using premium grade reishi extracts combined with top quality coffee beans to achieve an ideal combination of taste and vitality in one cup – no other beverage compares in terms of nutrition!


Modern society is becoming more aware of the many health benefits ganoderma lucidum can provide to our bodies. This mushroom, long used as part of Eastern medicine, has the power to fight different forms of cancer, reduce blood pressure or cholesterol levels, support liver functions, detoxification processes and alleviate allergies symptoms. Now more than ever it’s easier than ever before to use this miraculous mushroom; several dietary supplements contain it such as MAKKA(r) Wellcoffee with Ganoderma Extract which provides coffee’s signature taste while simultaneously including extract of this magical mushroom!