Onko Weasel Coffee Halal?
Kopi luwak, or weasel coffee, refers to coffee beans that have been passed through the digestive systems of civets (luwak). Also referred to as caphe chn in Vietnam and kapemotit in Cordillera region and Mindanao areas respectively and cahi luk in Sulu Archipelago; collected either wild or produced at farms before being washed to remove anis and other impurities before further processing into beverages. Its quality may increase through both selective selection from specific cherries being picked by animals (luwak) as well as biological or chemical processes occurring within an animal’s digestive system changing or altering its contents in terms of quality or quantity produced from its biological or chemical processes occurring within an animal’s system changing or altering them after digestion by animal species or biological/chemical processes occurring inside its system altering them over time before being excreted back out again by mammals such as cahi luk from Sulu Archipelago where cahi luk is believed to improve due to selection and digestion processes occurring within an animal’s digestive system altering or altering their beans before further processing before being further processed into beverages or beverages made into beverages from then further processing into beverages before further processing or further alteration during processing into beverages or beverages produced through biological or chemical processes occurring within its digestive systems that altering their taste buds before further processing;
Fiqh-tutkijat väittävät, että jokaisesta ruoasta, joka alun perin pysyy puhtaana, kun sitä syötetään eläimille ja joka myöhemmin erittyy vaurioittamatta sen rakennetta, tulee halal. Jos siis siivetin vatsasta peräisin olevat pavut on pesty ja puhdistettu perusteellisesti ennen kuin ne erittyvät niistä, se on sallittua kuluttaa ja tuottaa.
HUCAFOODilla kaikki tuotteemme ovat halal-sertifioituja, ja niitä valvotaan tarkasti syöttömateriaaleista valmiiden tuotteiden tuotantoon. Tavoitteenamme on tarjota asiakkaillemme nautinnollinen juomakokemus, joka on turvallinen ja terveellinen.