Folgers acid free coffee is an increasingly popular choice among those searching for energy-boosting drinks that don’t contain as many additives and diterpenes, yet still provide a source of nourishment. Unfortunately, these factors pose serious health concerns.

Roasting beans properly can significantly alter their chemical makeup, and choosing organic and sustainably sourced options may reduce risks related to pesticides and mycotoxins.


Folgers Coffee Company’s Simply Smooth offering is being promoted as “stomach friendly” beverage for the estimated 35 million Americans who experience stomach acid issues such as heartburn. Puroast Low Acid Coffee is its main competitor.

These new Folgers products feature a different blend of beans than its regular coffee, which are then roasted at lower temperatures than conventional roasting to remove certain irritants that can upset stomachs. In order to achieve this result, heat treatment of the beans must occur at lower temperatures than conventional roasting techniques.

The end product of our roasting is a dark brew coffee that can be enjoyed with milk, creamer and sugar for an energy boost that many crave. Kosher certification further ensures its purity.

In the mid-20th century, Folgers and Maxwell House ground coffee dominated supermarket sales in America. This style of American supermarket ground coffee used lower altitude commercial grade beans with higher acid levels than those typically used for gourmet coffees.


Acrylamide is a chemical produced when certain carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures. Studies have linked its formation with DNA mutations that increase cancer and neurodegenerative disease risks as well as obesity, diabetes and heart disease risk. Acrylamide levels in coffee may be much lower than in chips or cereal products but still exist within some brands of brewed coffee despite lower concentration levels than with these other sources.

The Food and Drug Administration has yet to set safe levels of acrylamide in food, though many experts consider the levels Americans consume too high. There may be ways of reducing acrylamide in coffee such as altering roasting techniques or decreasing temperatures during roasting; however, these methods have yet to be shown to be effective commercially or effective over time.

Although acrylamide can be found in many foods, most consumers are unaware that it’s also present in coffee. The amount of acrylamide present depends on roasting method and preparation method – for instance, espresso has higher levels than regular brewed coffee; however there is limited data to demonstrate differences in acid content among different brands of ground coffee.

Good news is, there are now multiple options on the market to address stomach irritation caused by lactic acid. Folgers has introduced Simply Smooth coffee which caters to those sensitive to stomach upset, while many large and small roasters offer low acid coffees as well.


Cafestol and kahweol present in unfiltered coffee are known to increase serum cholesterol and lipid levels in humans due to their ability to bind with cholesterol and prevent its breakdown within the bloodstream, having direct impact on endothelial cells as well as indirect impacts through circulating fatty acids. Diterpene content depends upon type and brewing method: for instance boiled, French press and Turkish Greek coffee had higher contents while instant brews such as drip filtered had lower amounts due to reduced exposure time and serving sizes which further influences diterpene content.

Researchers conducted a study and discovered that frequent consumption of boiled coffee increased non-high density lipoprotein (non-HDL) cholesterol levels among healthy normolipidemic subjects. Furthermore, caffeine and chlorogenic acid levels found in one cup are directly proportional to its impact on lipids; its level depends on bean type and roasting degree.

Coffee contains numerous biologically active compounds, including caffeine, diterpenes, melanoidins and chlorogenic acid – substances which have both beneficial and adverse impacts on human health, depending on the variety of coffee roasted to your preference and method of consumption. As well, these compounds’ effect on physical-chemical properties such as morphology, particle size, moisture content and bulk density is discussed. Furthermore, advancements in drying methods like spray-drying and freeze-drying may increase bioavailability while improving organoleptic properties – potentially increasing bioavailability as well as organoleptic properties; spray-drying/freeze-drying combinations could potentially further increase this bioavailability in the future.


Folgers Coffee Company is one of the best-known American brands, providing both whole bean and instant varieties. While they do not use organic beans, many varieties have low acid levels. Their decaffeination method uses ethyl acetate decaffeination process which is less harsh than chemical solvents such as methylene chloride; however they do not utilize Swiss Water Process which preserves flavor profiles while being environmentally friendly.

Some conventionally grown beans may contain harmful contaminants such as mold, fungus, yeast and pesticides which are collectively known as mycotoxins and can lead to short term symptoms like fatigue, weakness and brain fog or long term consequences such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. They have also been linked with weight gain and depression.


Coffee beans may become exposed to molds that produce mycotoxins that pose health risks to consumers, including fatigue, weakness and brain fog as well as long-term consequences such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Some of the more frequently found mycotoxins include Ochratoxin A and Acrylamide; aflatoxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may also present.

Rahm Roast coffee has recently come onto the market without any of these harmful chemicals, produced through an innovative multi-washing and detoxification process that removes most contaminants prior to roasting and processing, then treated with an exclusive formula designed to further eliminate mycotoxins that might remain.

This new coffee is so free from mycotoxins that it was able to pass rigorous coffee processing inspections and is considered one of the cleanest low acid coffee offerings on the market, making it an excellent solution for those suffering from stomach acid problems who require a quality beverage.

An estimated 35 million Americans must reduce or discontinue coffee consumption due to stomach acid issues such as GERD (acid reflux disease). Folgers is currently marketing its new Simply Smooth line as having reduced acidity than their standard coffee offering.