Ganoderma Coffee 3 in 1
Set off on an aromatic journey with this exquisite combination of instant coffee and Ganoderma. Packed in 20 individually sealed servings for your enjoyment, its exquisite blend boasts rich taste and powerful medicinal benefits that are designed not only to please your palate but also refresh and rejuvenate body and mind.
Pioir is a nutritious beverage composed of quality coffee blended with Ganoderma Lucidum extract without creamer or added sugar, making it an excellent solution for those sensitive to caffeine. Poir’s ingredients include plant proteins and antioxidants which work to fight free radicals while strengthening immunity – not forgetting omega fatty acids, vitamin B and essential minerals!
This instant coffee product contains Ganoderma lucidum, Eurycoma longifolia Jack and Ginseng to provide an energy boost and improve immune function. Plus it’s low-cal and sodium free – ideal for those on strict diets or looking to reach daily calorie goals! Suitable for people of all ages.
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Gano Excel
Ganoderma coffee is an innovative caffeine alternative with many health advantages, including strengthening immunity and boosting energy. Made of premium coffee beans mixed with reishi mushroom extract in convenient sachets, Ganoderma coffee can be purchased both online and at health food stores; also comes in different flavors to boost metabolism while improving gastrointestinal issues like bloating or dropsy.
Gano Excel creates three unique wellness lines to support mind, body, and spirit balance. Their products utilize a patented Ganoderma extract cultivated on their private farm in Malaysia using an advanced scientific cultivation process which is more effective than traditional techniques – producing higher-quality phytonutrient-rich products of superior quality and potency.
The company’s Ganoderma Coffee 3 in 1 is an energy-boosting drink designed to give a sustained dose of vitality throughout your day. Packed with quality coffee and non-dairy creamer, as well as Ganoderma Lucidum extract and natural sweetener made from Stevia (an all-natural sugar replacement), Cordyceps militaris has been shown to boost oxygen uptake while stimulating cell rejuvenation – this drink provides balanced energy throughout the day!
This beverage is an effective solution for weight loss and lowering high blood pressure, with only 10 calories per serving and no fat – making it an ideal choice for dieters looking to shed those unwanted pounds. Furthermore, its milk and sugar-free composition makes it suitable for diabetics or others with dietary restrictions; plus it helps neutralise free radicals which damage cells and lead to various diseases.
Product packaging claims this product provides an instant energy boost, which has been verified through numerous scientific studies and is caused by caffeine, reishi mushroom extract, Yung Kien ginseng and other active ingredients combined together. Plus, it’s gluten-free and vegan friendly so perfect for anyone with dairy or meat sensitivities or who doesn’t eat enough vegetables! Plus it’s simple to use; can easily be mixed into smoothies or other beverages.
DXN Zhi Mocha
DXN Zhi Mocha is an irresistibly delicious combination of premium coffee, lush cocoa, and Ganoderma extract that provides the ideal balance of taste and wellness – ideal for any healthy diet! Additionally, preparation is simple and no preservatives or artificial colors are used; making this beverage ideal for people seeking caffeine alternatives.
Reishi mushroom, Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane fungi are considered adaptogens that support immunity and concentration while relieving stress. Furthermore, these mushrooms possess antioxidant properties and may help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This product comes in convenient sachets that can easily be mixed with hot water for easy use.
As well as offering traditional coffee benefits, this drink also features a powerful Ganoderma extract with additional health advantages. Ganoderma has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to aid healing and wellness; additionally it acts as an energy boost and natural stimulant; further reducing stress and fatigue levels.
Ganoderma extract in this drink comes from Lingzhi mushrooms (Reishi). The extract is carefully chosen and processed to produce high-quality results with an abundance of flavor and aroma to enhance the experience of drinking coffee. As an ageless option for an enjoyable cup of caffeine, this coffee provides an alternative drinking experience that everyone can appreciate!
DXN’s Zhimocha stands out from other types of coffee by using only premium grade beans that have been expertly roasted and ground. Furthermore, this delectable treat features premium cocoa powder for an indulgent and smooth flavor profile. Packed in convenient sachets for easy preparation on-the-go – just empty one sachet into hot water, stir thoroughly, and you have yourself an enjoyable cup free from chemicals or preservatives! Perfect for people seeking Reishi and Lingzhi benefits without risks associated with caffeine intake – vegetarians or vegans can enjoy it too!